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Lv 5
J asked in TravelUnited KingdomLondon · 6 years ago

London trip...?


I'm planning a trip to London. We are planning on staying there for week (5 days). Maybe a day trip to Paris? I need help/suggestions/tips/anything.

When to go? Where to stay? What to see? How to get around? Where to eat?

Thanks in advance!

5 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take a look at www., What you see depends on your interests

    Travel from your arrival airport into Central London - They are all served by fast frequent trains to central London

    Taxis are expensive and get delayed on our congested roads

    Within London public transport is excellent - includes the Underground (Subway), 500 bus routes, Light Rail and National Rail. Within the Greater London payment is by Oyster Card or Visitor Oyster Card. See

    Eurostar trains run frequently from London St Pancras International to Paris Gare du Nord taking 2 hours 15 minutes city centre to city centre (Paris time is 1 hour ahead of London). Book well in advance for the cheapest fares

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Paris is possible. However, there is more than enough to do in London for five days.

    For cheap West End Theatre trips, go to the Half Price Ticket Booth in Leicester Square to get tickets for that evening's performance..

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    use tube for easy transport

    the best places to visit in London, London bridge , oxford street and the parks

    it will be tiring go to paris in a short time

  • keith
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    We use the Tube and buses (AMericans seem startled that we can use public transport and that trains are faster than flying)

    Paris for a day is feasible on the train

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  • 6 years ago

    go to your library or bookstore and get a couple of London Guide books and a map and Study them

    use the Internet to find info- suggest you start here

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