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Jim G
Lv 5
Jim G asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 5 years ago

Spanish grammar, acordar vs ponerse de acuerdo?

In these two setences:

1) El directorio acordó crear un comité de seguimiento.

2) El directorio se puso de acuerdo PARA crear un comité de seguimiento.

Why the second sentence needs the word "para" (in capitals) while the first one doen't need it?

1 Answer

  • 5 years ago

    "Para" is needed whenever it is possible to insert "in order to" in the sentence. Sentence 1 says, "The directory agreed to create a monitoring committee". "The directory agreed in order to create a monitoring committee" sounds a little weird and is too wordy. The literal translation of sentence 2 is, "The directory became of agreement to create a monitoring committee". "The directory became of agreement in order to create a monitoring committee" makes just as much sense.

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