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Lv 7
? asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 5 years ago

The weirdest thing happened few minutes ago. What's your take on it?

It's almost one a clock after midnight and i was just being lazy on YouTube when an old friend of mine just knocked on my door.

We have not really spoken to each other for months but when i opened the door he asks if i wanna smoke some weed with him and his friend and i assume he wants to smoke it in my room.

I of course politely refused despite the fact i enjoy the occasional smoke from time to time but i was just wondering why exactly?

Like why the late hour and why did he go to my house and not one of his friends house? Specially since we have not talked in months and months?

I guess i am a bit boggled at the moment and i do apologize.



I meant to give you five star but my mouse double clicked for no reason. I'm so sorry about that because you were really helpful.

20 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Time away from a person can make people think and if something brought an old memory of a fun time he might have thought of you. You did the right thing by not taking him up on his offer because he might of came over for the wrong reasons.

    If he came over as a friend or has real feelings for you he will most likely be in touch with you soon. If he was just high and lonely (I hate to put it that way) he will keep his distance. Good luck with this.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Who can really second guess a potheads motivations? Maybe he was running low on cash, needed to steal something from your property? I mean thats the best I can suggest. I don't know the person, they might be really genuine & trustworthy. Most dealers, junkies and potheads I've come across aren't though, hence my answer. Most would sell their own mother for a hit, even for class D. Was this on your mind too? Does seem a bit odd. If I knew anyone honest who sold pot, I would probably smoke it too.

  • 5 years ago

    Sorry if you had any hope of being friends again but I feel like he was trying to use you. Might just have been rejected by his other friends or had no one else to go to and thought that you would be nice enough to let him in. But it was right of you not to do so. Alternatively, he might have wanted to reconcile with you ? Cause if he smokes weed on a regularly, he wouldn't have a problem having a place to smoke ? Maybe he wanted to be "cool" to give you a supposedly good impression of him

  • 5 years ago

    He definitely thought of you , now whether it was for the right reason of wanting to rekindle an old friendship or the wrong reason trying to find somewhere to smoke that is safe thats another question.

    Message him/ talk to him again in a day or 2 say it was nice to see him and see how things go from there

    Of course thats only if you want to be in contact with him

    Good Luck

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  • 5 years ago

    With all the things that go on this day and age, rape, murder, it is not telling what he may have had in mind. I think I would have refused too and, I don't think I would ever let him in my house, since I had not seen him or heard from him in such a long time. You don't really know him. Do you ever watch dateline or ID.

  • Chanel
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    He felt lonely and thought as you are a nice girl you wouldn't mind but if you object to people coming to your home in the early hours then you are quite right to turn them away.

  • 5 years ago

    He is probably misses talking to you and was high off his face so he didn't really think it would be strange to pop in

  • 5 years ago

    It will be awkward for someone that you haven't talked to in months

  • 5 years ago

    It seems like he is planning something, I would consider it weird u should really stay away from him as much as possible, it could b one of those cases where they plan 2 murder someone or some crazy **** u see on tv

  • 5 years ago

    He's nasty. Don't talk to him again.

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