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Can I still drive a non-commercial vehicle on a CDL with an expired medical certificate?

A couple of months ago, I went in for a CDL physical, and while in the process, the physician who examined me suspected I was at risk for sleep apnea because of my weight (I'm about 100 pounds over). So he only renewed my medical certificate for three months and told me I needed to have a sleep study done. Well, I was swamped with work and I couldn't get an appointment for a consultation with a sleep specialist until a month and a half later, and then the specialist scheduled me for the actual study for two months down the road, and on top of that, if its determined I need to use a CPAP machine, I would need to be on that for another month and then go in for a second study before being given a clean bill of health. So that puts me at around the end of February next year before the physician who examined me can legally renew my certificate again. Problem is my certificate expires at the end of this month and so I won't be able to operate a commercial motor vehicle legally for a while, but does this mean I can't even drive my own car or any other non-CMV? If so, then I'll need to take some kind of action because my livelihood depends on it.

4 Answers

  • DEE W
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When your DOT card expires. You have three choice convert back to a normal license, get a DOT card go to the DMV and they record I or go to the DMV and get an intra state only meaning in state. With the in state you still have to have a DOT card on you. You must go this within a year it expires or your CDL will fall off. More stupid BS from Uncle Sam

  • 5 years ago

    That is correct, If your cert expires now that they are connected to the licenses your license is now suspended. (Not just the CDL endorsement) So you either need to find a doctor to pass you or tell your DMV you don't want a CDL anymore as have a passenger license. Get on a low carb diet and loose the weight. It's a lot easier than the road your heading down!

    Source(s): CDL-A Driver and former fat guy
  • Evil C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Steve N I appreciate the thought. I've been working on losing weight since this bomb was dropped on me. Already down about 30 pounds in two months, but I still have roughly 100 to go.

  • WRG
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes, only your CDL and what it allows are suspended.

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