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Lv 746,206 points

Steve N

Favorite Answers17%
  • What's with the new format?

    So now we have the majority of our screens littered with ads and less than 1/3 of it with actual questions. The sort options are much worse now as well. Every time this gets changed it's for the worse.

    C'mon Yahoo!

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products5 years ago
  • Light coming in around front door?

    I just replaced the weatherstripping around my front door. It had what appeared to be the original weatherstripping plus 2 or 3 different stick on types on top of that. I bought the OEM style replacements that use the slots in the frame to stay put so it would look right, fit great but now I have light coming in all around the door.

    What is the way to correct this? I assume the door frame is the issue?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Questions for current or former Starbucks Baristas?

    Can't seem to figure a few things out, clarification on this would be awesome.

    I always get Trenta Iced Coffees, I typically order a Trenta Iced Coffee with half n half. When I get it back and it's read back to me I hear any of these

    Trenta Iced coffee w/ Half n Half

    Trenta Iced coffee w/ Cream

    Trenta Iced coffee w/ Milk

    Trenta Iced coffee w/ Breve

    So a couple questions, Do they REALLY have cream AND half n half? My buddy specifically orders it with heavy cream and his seems the same to me. Or do they just have one, yet say both because I've seen the sticker on the cup say all 3. Obviously if they put milk in there it would be very noticeable by both look and taste but I've heard it a ton of times and it's never actually been milk in there.

    Breve? This one looses me completely. I see the Italian connection with the sizes since Venti and Trenta literally mean 20 and 30 but breve means short, so what's that about?

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Need help identifying these hedges / bushes?

    I've got these in front of my house and although they grow every year they've got some bald spots and I wanted to fertilize them and don't know what they are

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Question for Jews?

    I realize this doesn't apply to everyone but I've found over the years of living in a place with a high Jewish population that many jews identify themselves if asked, as jews, like being Jewish is a nationality or something. Why? Even people from Israel are Israelis, so why is it the (in the US at least) People that are clearly Americans identify themselves as Jewish, like their not American or something? I don't get it, If somebody asked me "what I was" I wouldn't respond Catholic, that just wouldn't make sense.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How do you treat your Seborrheic Dermatitis?

    I'm looking for an over the counter solution (that works) I used to have Ketoconazole shampoo and a steroid cream for my face but ran out and getting Dermatologist appts take forever. Anybody find a better way to control it? I've currently using T-Gel and have used the OTC version of Nizoral, both help but it's not the same. Gotta be a better way than fueling the pharmaceutical companies forever.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Washing Machine not Spinning clothes?

    I've got a Kenmore Washer it will only spin on average every 3-4/10 times. You can hear it trying but the basket doesn't engage. When it does that if you push in the knob to shut it off it'll spin down a little then the basket will grab and if you turn it back on it will spin correctly. Googling the problem led me to other people with that problem and it was the general consensus that the clutch was the problem so I ordered and replaced it, problem is still there. Any suggestions?

    Please only answer if your qualified to, thank you.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Need a ROM suggestion for Galaxy S4 (SCH-i545)?

    Anybody running a custom ROM thats actually improving their phone without glitches or things that dont work at all?

    Im currently running stock rooted and manually debloated and no CIQ but can't really find a ROM worth trying out. With my S3 everything was better than stock but the S4 seems to run pretty descent.

    Any suggestions feom peolple actually running them are appreciated.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Atkins vs Paleo for Muscle Building?

    To clarify, I'm not looking to "Bulk" or Body Build, just put on some descent muscle tone. I'm currently on Atkins and I've lost 25lbs and I've got about 40 more to go which shouldn't take too long at the rate I'm going. I'm currently lifting 4-5 days a week to maintain what I've got, I know I can't really build anything new while I'm loosing this much body weight. But when I hit my goal I've got a desicion to make. Although the Maintenence phase of Atkins allow MUCH more carbs than what I'm eating now I feel it will still be hard to put on some muscle on it and I know there's a lot of Paleo body builders out there. From most of what I know of Paleo it's seems extrememly close to the maintenence phase of Atkins minus the gluten/dairy being totally removed vs Atkins having it allowed but in very small allowances. Thinking I may have to come up with a weird hybrid of the two or something.

    PLEASE, Only answer of you acutually have a working knowlege of the way both diets work, not looking for a sales pitch about gluten, or grass fed this vs that, or myths of Atkins being bad or any of that garbage, just looking for info for building some muscle on one or the other.

    Thanks in Advance.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Best way to bring back Hosta's for the spring?

    I planted a bunch of Hosta's last spring, kept them fertilized and watered and they looked great until some hail damage towards the end. I've heard many different answers on how to "bring them back". Most people have said to just chop them at ground level when the weather starts staying warm and it'll shock them into growing fully again, a couple people say to just let them come back on their own and fertilize. Is there a "correct" way?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Lowering High Blood Pressure with Tea?

    Ok, so I've graduated from Pre, to Stage 1 Hypertention....needless to say I gotta get my BP down, I'm walking and not eating as crappy, no longer using table salt etc. I've read a lot saying that 3 cups of Tea a day can noticeable lower it. I'm a coffee drinker but do like tea, question is, will Decaf Tea also do the trick? Or does the Decafination process screw that up? Also does Caffeine raise BP? I find a lot of mixed stories on that one.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases7 years ago
  • How do you pronounce Consignee?

    A: con-sign-ee

    B: con-sinee

    In the Shipping/Trucking industry if it helps. Ive always prounced it as A, but a lot of people are pronouncing it the other way.

    Words & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Charges dropped against George Zimmerman?

    So, since the charges were dropped by his lying girlfriend AGAIN how long will it take before people realize hes an easy target and stop pre convicting him of everything.

    INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty!

    5 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • People who constantly give advise here, Read!?

    I've notice a HUGE influx of people here asking Verizon related question about there SIMs and using unlocked phones on Verizon's network. Most responses are

    Verizon doesn't have SIMs

    Verizon is CDMA

    You can't bring a phone to Verizon

    etc etc etc

    PLEASE make sure you know what you are talking about if your going to answer peoples questions!

    As a Cell Network Technician, this KILLS ME!

    Verizon has been running a LTE network (LTE is a GSM technology in case you didn't know) for over a year now. All their current phones DO have SIMs, Verizon also DOES allow you do put those SIMs into compatible devices! Although more phones are still on their CDMA network it is slowly being phased out. Stop doing a disservice to people by giving them incorrect information. If you don't know.....don't answer!

    Anybody in denial, please feel free to refer to VZW's SIM FAQ Page

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Why do Southerners reverse W & H in words?

    They pronounce What as Hwat, and Where as Hwere?????????? Why? Accents change, but playing musical letters with words is a little weird.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Dems: Are you SURE Sen Feinstein isn't an NRA Member?

    I'm curious as to what the excuse would be from the people that support the actions of Sen Feinstein when she said she got a concealed carry permit to protect herself and if somebody wanted to take her out she would "take them with her" Seriously. It's the smartest thing she ever said, but why is it only OK for HER to protect herself.

    This isn't a Left vs Right thing. This is common sense vs stupidity. If you weren't aware of this, will you still support her knowing she's a hypocrite? If you REALLY hate guns, will you support one knowing SHE carries one and has no problem using it to defend her life as she should?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Gun Owners: Alan Gottlieb and SAF SUPPORTS Toome/Manchin Bill!?

    Alan Gottlieb of the SAF (Second Amendment Foundation) SUPPORTS the Toome/Manchin (not the Shumer parts) bill. It seems they've weeded almost all of Shumer our of it and it APPEARS to HELP gun owners on many levels. What to you think?

    Here's what it will do FOR Gun owners

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • If we don't need guns, Why did Bloomberg bring them into Bermuda?

    So Bloomberg has no issues telling us normal folk that we "don't need guns" for protection, yet last month he pulled every string he had so his bodyguard(s) could bring theirs to Bermuda.

    Keep in mind, Guns are LARGELY banned in Bermuda, even most Police don't carry guns there. So why did HE need to be protected by them? Didn't he tell us if there were less guns we'd all be safe?

    hmmmmmm, Gotta love a hypocrite!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • NON Gun Owners - Do you think "Universal" background checks are a good idea?

    Gun Owners are against it (myself included). There are many people that thinks it's a great idea but have never read the actual proposal and haven't the slightest clue what it would really do so I'd like to summarize. First the current FBI check system (NICS, or State run eqiv) is run on every firearm purchase made from a registered dealer, at a store OR gun show, this is Federal Law. The Made up term "Gun Show Loophole" is referring to private sales between lawful citizens, and has nothing to do with Gun Shows themselves. Even in Face to face sales it is still a felony to sell to a disqualified person and seller CAN be charged if caught. But these are just some examples of the the proposed "Universal" check system would do if it was passed with it's current wording

    Under this bill, same-sex couples could no longer jointly own a firearm. And if the partner who has ‘legal’ ownership of the firearm were to leave town on a business trip that ultimately lasts more than 7 days then both partners would be felons!

    Even if the business trip lasted fewer than 7 days, if the partner remaining in town decided to go to the shooting range, they would both be felons!

    Unmarried heterosexual couples are similarly affected as are step-children.

    And it gets even worse. Other felonies created by the bill include:

    A soldier deploying overseas who leaves his guns with a friend = felony!

    Loaning a firearm to a friend to go to the range = felony!

    Loaning a firearm to a friend for hunting the day before the season opens = felony!

    Allowing a friend to shoot your gun on your own land = felony!

    The real intent of this bill is not to close some imaginary loophole. Rather, it is to make it so legally dangerous to own a firearm that people will give up their rights rather than attempt to comply.

    Seeing how much damage this bill would do to people that obey the law, and seeing how it would have no affect on criminals as they don't buy legally hence no background check will ever be run on them, would you still support this bill?

    The text of this bill is up everywhere at this point, feel free to read it yourself to verify.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago