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NON Gun Owners - Do you think "Universal" background checks are a good idea?

Gun Owners are against it (myself included). There are many people that thinks it's a great idea but have never read the actual proposal and haven't the slightest clue what it would really do so I'd like to summarize. First the current FBI check system (NICS, or State run eqiv) is run on every firearm purchase made from a registered dealer, at a store OR gun show, this is Federal Law. The Made up term "Gun Show Loophole" is referring to private sales between lawful citizens, and has nothing to do with Gun Shows themselves. Even in Face to face sales it is still a felony to sell to a disqualified person and seller CAN be charged if caught. But these are just some examples of the the proposed "Universal" check system would do if it was passed with it's current wording

Under this bill, same-sex couples could no longer jointly own a firearm. And if the partner who has ‘legal’ ownership of the firearm were to leave town on a business trip that ultimately lasts more than 7 days then both partners would be felons!

Even if the business trip lasted fewer than 7 days, if the partner remaining in town decided to go to the shooting range, they would both be felons!

Unmarried heterosexual couples are similarly affected as are step-children.

And it gets even worse. Other felonies created by the bill include:

A soldier deploying overseas who leaves his guns with a friend = felony!

Loaning a firearm to a friend to go to the range = felony!

Loaning a firearm to a friend for hunting the day before the season opens = felony!

Allowing a friend to shoot your gun on your own land = felony!

The real intent of this bill is not to close some imaginary loophole. Rather, it is to make it so legally dangerous to own a firearm that people will give up their rights rather than attempt to comply.

Seeing how much damage this bill would do to people that obey the law, and seeing how it would have no affect on criminals as they don't buy legally hence no background check will ever be run on them, would you still support this bill?

The text of this bill is up everywhere at this point, feel free to read it yourself to verify.


You guys aren't listening, I'm not against people getting a background check, I'm against the NEW proposed checks which is a front for many other things...READ THE BILL!

Update 2:

Tagboy: I'm not saying I'm against background checks, AGAIN! READ!!!!!!!!!

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Liberal gun owner here. Actually got my gun hating wife to buy her first gun yesterday. Where is this information posted, IO can't find it. Jus tto satisfy my curiosity.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I understood universal background checks to mean they run a background check before they allow you to buy a weapon. So as to make sure people that are offenders or have problems with the law or mental health issues won't be allowed access to weapons. If the way I understood it was correct then yes it seems like a sensible mature thing to do. However, they are very tricky in the wording and if the way you described it to be is true then I am very much against it. I support peoples right to own firearms.

  • 8 years ago

    Stephen King is a gun owner who's not against comprehensive background checks. My brother has 20 guns and has no problem with background checks.

    I have a friend who's a police officer, who has no problem with background checks and another friend who's against banning high-powered rifles like the AR-15 but he's FOR background checks.

    Unless you believe I'm lying to you when I say all that, I don't know how you can say "gun owners are against it."

    Most gun owners are tired of criminals buying guns, committing massacres and then causing all the resulting issues about gun control vs. guns run riot.

    I don't know why ANY gun owner who knew they were going to pass a background check without incident would be against something as simple as a background check and I don't care.

    I'm positive about these people I know who own guns and agree with background checks.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    area of me gets a kick at how truly riled up some worry pushed reactionary human beings get approximately gun administration. lots of are so busy combating over the splendid they'll in no way lose: the splendid to undergo hands, that they don't look to ask the place is all the ammo??? specific. finished background exams are a brilliant thought. i might want an IQ try, too, yet wait, it truly is too dreamy for US, eh? pay attention, women folk & gents, the genuine enemy is worry.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are so wrong

    74% of NRA members and 87% of non-NRA gun owners believe all gun buyers should get a criminal background check.

  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago


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