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Javascript and multiple onBlur's for one form?

I have an html form with 5 elements, 3 of which I am trying to get an onBlur event to fire with different functions. If I use just 1 onblur on this form it will work, but adding more will not work. Any way around this?

Here is my entire code

<form id = "contactForm">

<div style = "margin-left:150px; width:600px">

<fieldset><legend>Customer Information</legend>

<p>First name:</br><input name="firstname" type= "text" size = "25" onBlur = "validFName()"/>


Last name:</br><input name="lastname" type= "text" size = "25" onBlur = "validLName()"/>


E-mail Address:</br><input name="email" type= "text" size = "25" />


Telephone Number:</br><input name="phone" type= "text" size = "25" onBlur = "validPhone()"/>


Comments:</br><textarea name = "other" rows= "10" cols="50"></textarea>


<input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />&nbsp<input type = "reset" value = "Clear form" /></p>




1 Answer

  • Chris
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There are multiple errors in your HTML and JS.

    For now, let's focus on JS: the problem is simply that the code you added happens to be faulty.

    Look at this line from validFName():

    var fName = (contactForm.firstname.value, 10)

    Curiously, this syntax doesn't even throw JS off. It happily assigns 10 to fName and carries on. Which is why the rest of the function does nothing, since the length of a number is "undefined", which is not smaller than 1.

    Simply replace it with

    var fName = contactForm.firstname.value

    As for the other errors:

    - the self closing tag is <br/>, not </br>

    - you have an &nbsp; with a missing semi-colon

    - the Contact Us link syntax is broken

    - and most importantly: EVERY visible element goes INSIDE the <body> tag. Regardless of it being a header or footer. <body> is the counterpart to <head> (which contains non-visible data).

    Also note that you can save a lot of HTML by using optimized CSS. Your form for instance wraps a <div> which wraps the form content. The div is only there to style the form, which you can do by actually styling the <form>:

    <form style="display: block; margin-left: 150px; width: 600px">



    In your form you have lots of <br/>, but you can simply do this:

    Nice, clean HTML, and just a few keystrokes to change the spacing between form elements.

    Finally, two completely subjective suggestions:

    1. I prefer ending JS statements with a semi-colon. It's not necessary, but makes this weird itch I get go away ;)

    2. Remove the Reset button. While I have only once in my life clicked on it accidentally and had to retype the entire form, the number of times I actually needed a reset button is precisely zero.

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