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Why don't many theists realise that, when atheists object to religions they are NOT objecting to something that they think doesn't exist?


Recently posted as a reply to an old question of mine:

"Now, I have a question for you ( though I dont care much) : Why do you atheists stress and obsess 24/7 over something that you dont believe it exists? Dont you guys act as if you know for a fact that the unseen doesnt exist? If so, why do you bother so much??!!??"

To the idiot who posted this (anonymously with comments blocked)... Religion DOES exist, all atheists KNOW that religions exist, it is gods that we don't believe exist.

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Far too many theists don't understand literary analysis. They seem to think that in order to discuss the personality of literary characters you have to believe they are real.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I sure don't see atheists crying about Santa and hating on the children that believe in him.

  • Johnny
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Theists aren't the sharpest knives in the box.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You know you come here to rant at the God of Abraham.

    I don't see atheists mocking Ganesh or Inanna.

    Good luck in life

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    They like to pretend that we believe in their ogre, but reject it. That fits their superstition, when the truth does not.

    They do that with a couple other things too....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    hang around for 15 minutes and listen to Atheists complain about God

    "Even if your god is real, we don't want any part of a repulsive murderous tyrant who gives children cancer and watches them starve to death."

    "The abrahamic god, is like the hitler stalin of gods. Read the books about it, he is portrayed as a evil genocidal sexist racist jealous incompetent god."

    "Very bad father just like God"

    "the Christian God envious and vindictive"

    "He's a douchbag"

    "How can you worship this kind of callous monster"

    "God supports rape, war, genocide and slaughter of children. God hates you."

    "Why is God such a meanie"

    "Doesn't God love us if he is letting all these atrocities happen? Live burnings, beheadings. Mismanagement of money. Child molestation?"

    ''God is kind of a sadist''.

    ''God is not loving nor just.''

    ''Any God who would torture his creations for all eternity is not worthy of my respect. He or she would be the antithesis of ethical.''

    ''Why does god hate us so much?''

    ''If you judge god by what he says then he is one mean sob

    if you judge god by what he does then he is one mean sob''

    ''Because the character is unbelievably evil.''

    Attachment image
    Source(s): so much for Atheism is "'simply the lack of belief in God"
  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    DId that make sense in your head?

  • Oh i'm fully aware dear. When i was an atheist i could see the growing reliance on logical fallacies. It was quite embarrassing, and i knew love was the way. So i sought for love instead. When God came into my life and showed me His way of grace and love, i was no longer an atheist. But i could see how the increased reliance on logical fallacies was growing like a fad would. So rest assured many people understand and accept that many atheists rely on logical fallacies.

    Source(s): ex-atheist
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