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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw Enforcement & Police · 5 years ago

Why couldn't off. Brian Encinia articulate the EXACT CHARGE for arresting Sandra Bland, when she asked him 20 times what the charge was?



Wrong. Lie. The officer has to have a reason for taking her to the lock up.

A "articulated" reason. That means he needs to articulate which law was broken

b4 otherwise it's false imprisonment.

Update 2:


You're the only one who mentioned "race".

Update 3:


answer has nothing to do with the question and is a vulgar slur.

It is an attempt to get undeserved points

Update 4:


My apologies but EVERY ONE got the gist of the question so don't be anal.

I pledge to you my solemn oath and beg your almighty forgiveness not to

do it again. So you'd better have perfect diction and spelling at all times as well

or some picky anal person will get after you.

Update 5:


BTW "OFF." was an abbreviation for OFFICER, so what does it mean that everyone

else got it except you? (Yahoo only allows just so many characters to be typed.)

Update 6:

Jake No Chat-

Good answer. Succinct & 2 the ENTIRE point. His problem

was the little tin God in him,.. couldn't tolerate her refusing to put out

the cigarette. A reasonable cop that WASN'T a *psychopath* would've

used his brain, stepped 1 footstep back from the smoke WHICH


smoke & he was infringing on it & using THE CIGARETTE SMOKE

AS AN EXCUSE TO ESCALATE, because every thing sounded different

AFTER the exchange about the smoke.

Update 7:

Tab Dubious-

SHE WASN'T "under arrest" until he could ARTICULATE the

LEGAL & LAWFUL reason for such an arrest. AND SHE DID ASK

HIM. He was being arbitrary and capricious, & had no articulated

reason for arrest, so how can one assume to be under arrest,..

if NO LEGAL REASON was spoken, articulated,.. or given?

Update 8:

Tab Dubious-

PS If you are arresting someone police MUST give the reason so that

when the detainee calls his attorney, he can repeat to that attorney

exactly what the EXACT charge IS. Police can't say "I'll tell you later".

Update 9:

Not an Obama Fan!-

Who instigated the "obstruction"? He escalated the situation.

He wrote THE citation. No one "obstructed" him from writing it! HE WROTE IT!

He then engaged HER after having written it! All he had to do was hand it over

& say "good bye Maam, take it up with the judge/magistrate". That it.

Then no BS about the cigarette smoke would have occurred. He would have been

gone, off trolling for his NEXT low income black driver/revenue generator.

Update 10:


Anarchy has nothing to do with it. Police need to treat people with respect.

90% of people R good decent people, AND THEY DESERVE RESPECT.

They do NOT deserve the psychopathic, unreasonable, unconstitutional NAZI

behavior from police men. Cigarette smoke can be avoided by backing up.

You don't get to arrest people because cigarette smoke is coming from their car.


You tune her out, hand her the summons, & say "bye" & drive away.

Update 11:


"Simple, He didn't know."

***Then she should not have been arrested.

Update 12:


Really?? So why did she ask then, dolt.

They probably hung her because she cursed at them in the cell.

It wouldn't be the first time or the hundredth time that police abused of

killed someone for cursing them out.

Update 13:


Where's your proof that she was a "criminal"? Where do you get THAT from.

Unpaid tickets?? That makes you a criminal now-a-days?

Update 14:

BTW if she owed $7k (which is a very convenient round number which is probably a lie.)

what does that have to do with him not being able to articulate THE CHARGE?


If you are unable to "articulate" an answer to the specific question, perhaps you have a

reading comprehension problem.

Update 15:

Otto G-

Your personal insult was reported. No points for you.

Update 16:


Your answer has nothing to do with the question and

It is an attempt to get undeserved points

Update 17:

Sweetdaddy Rex-


So,........ What was she charged with then? I heard her ask over a dozen times

for him to articulate the charge. If a cop doesn't delare you under arrest and tell

you the charge, then there isn't one. You need to know the charge so you can tell

your lawyer. So YES he does have to tell you.

Update 18:

Sweetdaddy Rex- You are supposed to act a certain way when under arrest.

That's why you're supposed to be told. It's a legal status.

Update 19:


Ok so, was there something wrong with the cops legs,... that he couldn't step back

to avoid the cigarette smoke? I'm calling BS George. He didn't have to do WHAT HE DID.

Emotions and the law,...don't mix. If you are a little runt who demands respect because

he is a government revenue collector,.. you have another thing coming. Lead by good example,..


Who said she can't smoke in her own DAMM CAR?

Just write the ticket & GO

39 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    When I watched the video the day it was released, what I observed was this:

    The whole thing seemed to escalate when he kept insisting that that,

    (I stopped you because you were driving)

    "Without a tag on the front..." (of your vehicle)

    then she would tap on the corner of her windshield where the little paper stickers that convey compliance with licensing and registration are placed, and she would insist that her tag wasn't expired, and it was right there. "No, it's right there!... ...Wait, then what's that" She failed to understand the police jargon that "Tag" is what the rest of us call a "license plate", and he failed to understand that she wasn't being belligerent, she genuinely didn't understand police jargon that should have stayed on the police band radio. We HAVE to train our police how to communicate better with the populace, and not to get so upset and take it as a personal affront when someone says that don't understand what's happening. Non-communicative, stoic guys in the force are what lead to situations where after you finish buying a hamburger and a shake, some guy rushes you and shouts that he is going to arrest you if you don't get out of here right now, when you say "What's going on???" he replies "I'm going to arrest you that's what's going on!" I am getting the serious impression that these guys CAN'T communicate, and maybe they should not work with the public.

    Some of these guys adopt a cop-show attitude of "We'll be the ones asking the questions", but the other side of the coin is that there is also a universe of huxters out there with a fast line of patter who, given the chance, would keep a beat cop occupied for three hours trying to explain his actions this way and that in a vain attempt to provide a satisfactory answer, (also the policeman doesn't want to get caught in the "Well why, why, why, why..." loop, at which ten year old boys are so adept.) so, typically about half of the police force adopts the position of "Hey, I don't have to explain myself." (which makes citizen oversight really difficult)

    The police may need to learn a spiel like the miranda rights, that starts out with "I stopped you because I saw you _ _ _ _ _ _ ." and has twenty basic answers.

  • 5 years ago

    The video doesn't show that she made an illegal U turn before he stopped her. The media loves to show only what promotes their agenda which is to sensationalize every story. Also, every news story failed to report that Ms. Bland owed over $7,000.000 in fines for just this type of incident. She liked to escalate things and makes videos of the incident. The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

  • 5 years ago

    Ms. Bland owed over $7,000.000 in fines for just this type of incident. She liked to escalate things and makes videos of the incident. The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

  • 5 years ago

    The media loves to show only what promotes their agenda which is to sensationalize every story. Also, every news story failed to report that Ms. Bland owed over $7,000.000 in fines for just this type of incident. She liked to escalate things and makes videos of the incident. The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

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  • 5 years ago

    The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

  • 5 years ago

    The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

  • 5 years ago

    It seemed like there was an agenda, and when the officer felt challenged he got excited also and it just escalated poorly. Cops can give tickets, charges are typically assigned by others, but there has to be a good reason for an officer to stop, detain or ticket some one and that should be articulated clearly.

  • 5 years ago

    Ok. Look, I am the first person to say that cops have gotten away with too much for far too long.

    I am a lifelong NYer, I marched when Eric Garner was killed, and in solidarity with many of the other deaths by cop that have happened lately.

    But, I am really sick of the way people lump every single incident together as the cops being wrong.

    For instance, Ferguson. That kid did not have his hands up, and HE caused that shooting, not the cop.

    And this incident, she could have just put the damn cigarette out. She was pulled over for a valid reason, and no cop, anywhere, is going to talk to you through a car window when you have a lit cigarette.

    Had she just put the cigarette out, the situation would have DE-ESCALATED. But instead, SHE decided to turn it into a racial situation, which it was not.

    Also, the police, by law, do not have to tell you what you are being arrested for when you want them to.

    People need to stop trying to fit every situation into their own personal beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It was probably the mystical "Contempt of Cop" charge.

    He had nothing to charge her with which is why he was unable to come

    up with a charge. He just couldn't stand that she wasn't treating him

    like a God and the cigarette smoke had something to do with it.

    Officer Encina want's everyone to think that the smoke that "bothered" him

    so badly,.. was impossible to step away from. One step back and he would have

    been out of range of the smoke. BUT HIS WISH WAS TO ESCALATE, so stepping

    away from the smoke was not an option, for the little tin god.

  • 5 years ago

    She liked to escalate things and makes videos of the incident. The cop would have seen the numerous fines when he ran her plate, therefore being wary of her. And I doubt she didn't know he was talking about her license plate, anyone who drives would know that. Imo, her family didn't pay her bail because she put them through this before. I saw a video where she was deliberately confrontational when a mall security guard asked her move from a place she wasn't allowed to be. She acted the same way, loud and uncooperative. Of course she was filming it. The media loves to report a story for maximum sensationalism. I am sick of them ruining race relations with this biased reporting. I always look up all the facts before I believe what the media spoon feeds us.

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