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Facebook Developers - Summary of likes requested but API keeps returning just a list of likes - any idea why?? Works fine in the Explorer?

At present I'm trying to write a php plugin that will tell me the number of likes a particular feed has.

I want to use the likes[total_count] field which needs the summary flag set.

I have the following code

$fb = new Facebook\Facebook ( /* app id/secret, etc*/ ) ;

/* the access token is appid|appsecret and it's a public page*/

$fb->setDefaultAccessToken ( $w->accessToken () ) ;

$response = $fb->get ('/xxxxx_xxxxx?fields=likes.limit(1).summary(true),id' ) ;

$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();

print_r ( $graphObject->asArray () ) ;

The result is

Array (

[likes] => Array (

[0] => Array ( [id] => xxxxxx )

[id] => xxxxx_xxxxx )

I've also tried a number of other things like getGraphNode() (same result), getGraphEdge () (error 620 - response is not GraphEdge - which I was expecting anyway!), I've also tried it with and without the .limit(1) the only difference being I just get more like id's - so the limit seems to be working it's just summary isn't.

When I try the same thing in Graph API Explorer on the facebook developer page I get the following result

"likes": {

"data": [


"id": "xxxx"



"paging": {

"cursors": {

"after": "MTAxNTU4NjU4ODY0NDA0MjI=",

"before": "MTAxNTI0MTQ2NjY2ODIxODc="



"summary": {

"total_count": 6,

"can_like": true,

"has_liked": false


In the API Explorer there is an additional array called summary which I can't see in my array.


Yahoo answers truncated the important line of code to ... which should read

$response = $fb->get ('/390458134468686_541172056063959?fields=likes

.summary(true),id' ) ;

Anyone any idea why on earth I can't access the summary array - do I have to do something else? maybe make a call to another function to get a summary or something?

Update 2:

ok just found out that this code works to get the total count

$graphObject = $response->getGraphNode();

$edge = $graphObject->getField ('likes' ) ;

$total_count = $edge->getMetaData()['summary']['total_count'] ;

omg seriously is this the only way to get the total_count??? Seems very long winded just to get a bit of data that should be quite easy to obtain!!

Update 3:

Thanks Chris - I was originally using json_decode but getting exactly the same thing - seems the only way to get a summary is to get the edge and then the metadata!

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    This will do the trick:

    $likesCount = $response->getDecodedBody()[ likes ][ summary ][ total_count ];

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You can use json_decode.

    $data = json_decode( $json );

    $likes = $data[ "likes" ][ "totalcount" ];

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