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Lv 7
? asked in PetsDogs · 5 years ago

Decided to have dog spayed, how to convice husband?

My ***** will be 3 years old in a couple of weeks. She is currently intact, which I had planned on keeping her. She has never been bred and I never had any intentions of breeding her. My husband knows this.

Well, after her last 3 estrus cycles, she has lactacted. I wouldn't say she's had full on pseudopregnancies, because she never had distended abdomen or not much change in her behavior, but the lactating is enough to concern me. I know repeat pseudos can increase the risk of developing pyometra.

My husband is against having her spayed. (We have only been married just over a year so technically he has no say as I have raised her from a pup). And I have my mind set on having the procedure done.

Does anyone have any pointers or tips on how I can talk to him about this without it causing much of an uproar. I have explained the health risks she may be facing, etc. He is against it because I think he's always thought he'd talk me into breeding her one day. But, that would have never happened.

Any advice? Thanks!

10 Answers

  • Kate M
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She is your dog, so not really his decision. You don't want to breed her, so him thinking he might convince you to breed her is out of the question.

    You want to get her spayed, so get her spayed, Don't ask him about it, tell him that it is happening. Book the appointment before you tell him, so there is less chance of backing out.

    There are some things you discuss in a marriage and some things you don't need to. If breeding a dog in the future is something both of you want to do, you can look into doing it properly and getting a dog that is worthy of breeding.

    You might not be able to totally avoid a fight. You do need to stick your guns and not cave into him. The dog is getting spayed, you just need to make him understand that it is going to happen.

    The other options is to get it done and not tell him until it is done. Still might not avoid a fight, but no going back on it and nothing he says can change it once it has happened.

  • 5 years ago

    Have the dog spayed. There's no reason what so ever to keep the dog intact. The dog will nt only live LONGER once spayed, the dog won't go into heat, can't get pyo and the many cancers only intact dogs get and the dogs chance of other cancers will decrease dramatically.

    Since the dog is not his, he has no say in you doing the right and proper thing of spaying the dog

  • 5 years ago

    The dog is legally yours, not his.

    He doesn't has any say in the matter, if you want her spayed, she gets spayed. You don't need absolutely any confirmation to spay your own dog.

    The "fight" with your husband is worth your dog's life in my oppinion. If you don't get the dog spayed, you are saying you would rather avoid talking about this with your husband, and have the dog die.

  • J C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Get an estimate from the emergency vet on the cost of an emergency spay, and treatment for pyometra. That may be enough to convince him. Also get the costs of rearing a litter of pups, including exams, wormings, vaccines for the litter of 6-8, and also the cost of an emergency c-section for mom if one is needed.

  • 5 years ago

    Look up pyometra and show him some facts on that... Had two friends with bitches with it this week alone. One b*tch age 7 yrs and the other below a year and only one week after her first season had finished which is really unusual. She's not out of the woods yet either.

    Then look up mammary gland tumours and how many b*tches go with these. This might help change his mind.

  • 5 years ago

    She's your dog, just make the appointment, take her in. He'll see that it's done when you bring her back home. You don't need his permission for this or even to tell him when it's going to happen.

  • 5 years ago

    She is legally your dog have her spayed if you want.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Just do it, this was your dog before you got with him so he has no say in it. If he doesn't like it then that is HIS problem.

  • 5 years ago

    pyometra is a stretch, even in bit ches who whelp pups this happens rarely. cancers develop in many dogs unfortunately as they age as well as heart/kidney/lung diseases along with arthritis.

    hormones, whether male or female are lost in these surgeries, and if this is not a concern to you then any vet will accommodate your wishes. it is doubtful your husband will approve of this surgery since no urgency exists to perform it, so you do as you wish, it is your dog.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    wellness check with your vet ......ask lots of questions there care what a great concept

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