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Kristian asked in HealthDental · 5 years ago

When you go for your check up, after getting your braces off and given retainers. Do you wear them to the check up or out with you?

If you have bonded and removable? Thanks.

1 Answer

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have bonded retainers, you will have no choice as they are bonded to your teeth and not removable.

    If you've been told to wear the removable ones all the time, as is the usual case right after braces removal, then you should be wearing them in your mouth.

    The orthodontist will always want to see the retainers and check how they fit so you might as well wear them to the appointment.

    Source(s): Orthodontic assistant with over 32 years of experience.
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