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For future space travel wouldn't it make sense to download human consciousness onto a form of technology not needing air food gravity e.t.c?

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we could do this then reclaim it there would be far more to worry about than space travel.

    What is the consciousness to be placed into after the trip?

    Now imagine here on earth ... a wealthy person stores their consciousness prior to death.

    Then places it into some young healthy body.

    Effectively killing that person and for themselves living "forever".

    We are so lucky that it is not possible. And hopefully never will be.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Ypu mean create an Artificial Intelligence. Right now the grand total of the computing power of ALL electronics, the internet, every computer, smart phone etc - just about equals the minimum estimated capacity of a human brain.

    You are not going to fit that into a probe.

    Next - you will not "download" - you will copy, the original mind stays in the brain (and dies in time). The copy - imagine yourself, no arms, no legs, no sexual organs, no taste - just sight and sound. Unable to move, bolted into a capsule - you would go mad. Not a solution is it?

  • 5 years ago

    What good is human consciousness without vision, hearing, speech? "Well, we stored your consciousness but we are very sorry to report your body perished for lack of food, water and oxygen. Perhaps if you had supplied your own food, water and oxygen this wouldn't have happened." All the best to your grieving spouse and children.

  • TTown
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    So, you want to live inside a thumb drive?

    This will never be possible, you are more than a physical being.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    This something you need to perfect. Its a great idea. However it looks as if the virus has beat you to the punch, Ha!.

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