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Lv 6
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 5 years ago

Why does Yahoo Answers allow Level 7 users to move questions into the wrong category?

I just had to report 41 questions up to 24 hours old from one category. Plus one that the Yamster incorrectly assigned to that category and one repeated came question. And that was just in the law hour. The only thing they will do about it, it anything, will be to remove this power. And it will be before I reach Level 7 and can put questions back where they belong. If I maliciously moved questions, I would be violated. Why aren't these assholes?


*one repeated fake question

Update 2:

*last hour

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think trolls have already taken over yahoo. I mean yahoo letting level 7 users move questions is obviously gonna be an abusive weapon like the reporting. yahoo isn't doing anything about the trolls and they don't even check reports and the appeals are a joke. might as well delete this site now. if yahoo really thought that level 7 users would use actually move questions into different catagories for good purposes then yahoo is pretty stupid cause trolls are all over the internet. in fact on the yahoo feedback there is already like 5 people saying level 7 users should not be able to move questions into the wrong catagories and they don't listen to them.

  • Todd
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I don't bother moving questions anyway, but Y!A is based on a self policing idea. People report and people appeal. There are some things that fall through the cracks, but for the most part it keeps afloat by itself. The basic idea is if you are a trusted account, you have more privilege. But that's not an absolute. You can lose points and status too. So, if an account makes a mistake in moving a question, the person reports it, and they'll look into it. 9 times out of 10, a level 7 account is not going to move a question just because they can.

  • Dr W
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    First off..

    .. rewrite your question. Make your point(s) clear. get rid of the jargon

    .. (I don't know what a "yamster" is nor do I know what a "law hour" is nor will

    .. .I lose sleep deciphering "one repeated fake question" "*last hour" nor do I want

    .. .to know what "one repeated came question" means)..


    .. I'm not wasting my time sorting them out!!!

    Second, I can't tell you how many times some JA has posted this question

    .. 1234jlksjglakjsdfkl

    or this one

    .. What's my pin number

    or this one

    .. how do I login into my bank account

    or the pyscho ones

    .. how do I build a bomb

    .. where do I buy cyanide.. "it's for a high school project.. huh huh."

    .. how do I make crystal meth

    .. how do I tell if my LSD has gone bad


    in the CHEMISTRY section of YA

    current examples just from the past 6 hours (on their way to a better place... I might add)









    update.. more trolling for today


    YA can't police all these questions.. so.. YA trusts / allows.. those of us who actually spend time here on YA writing answers to God only knows how many "chemistry" questions to move those questions right out of the chemistry section into whatever unholy areas they belong to. Wherever that may be.



    now.. If YOU ARE TROLLING nonsensical bu!!sh!t stupid rubbish in the chemistry section of YA, don't be surprised if your question gets moved to the category it belongs in. By one of us "level 7" folks. Same goes for ALL the various sections of YA. Some one will read your crazy crap and move it to it's rightful bin.

    And.. if it's happening often.. well.. I suppose you could find another hobby (something different from trolling here on YA) and change your ways instead of staying the course and appealing to the audience about how unfair the whole system is.

    and on the other hand... IF YOU'RE NOT TROLLING YA... and you ARE being a respectful courteous member and behaving yourself (you would know right?) well then the world of YA is certainly not treating you with the fairness, dignity and respect you so deserve. So... you can fret, worry, complain, throw temper tantrums, jump up and down yelling "YAMSTER YAMSTER YAMSTER".. all day long.. or.. you can join us adults and ignore it.

    Seeing how it's your issue based on your own personal malfunction, I guess that decision is up to you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why do you care so much about Y/A? You're here like 15 hours a day, I swear.

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  • Fox
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    because everyone previously had the ability to choose what category their question went into but never bothered to take the time to do it.

    And because people abuse ANYTHING they're given control of on here

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