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what is an evolutionist? is it someone who knows how life began?

Does this make God an evolutionist then?

9 Answers

  • Jim V
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Strictly speaking an Evolutionist is not concerned with how life began. Evolution assumes the presence of life to start with.

    An Evolutionist attempts to explain how "simple" initial life propagated into diverse and "complex" life using nothing but natural mechanisms and process (mutation and natural selection).

    How life began - from a Naturalistic view - falls in the area of abiogenesis.

    So, no, God is not an Evolutionist in that sense; God is the Genesis.

    (But, yes, God has given life the ability to adapt and diversify within a certain range. This is the idea of what a 'kind' of life is. )

  • 5 years ago

    An "evolutionist" is someone who accepts the most well established scientific theory that explains the diversity of life. Evolution does not deal with how life itself began (that's a separate field, called "abiogenesis") Accepting evolution does not mean one must reject a belief in God, or rule out God as a creative deity.

    All it means is that one has accepted that the scientific method explains natural causes for natural events. The supernatural is beyond the ability of scientific methodology to evaluate. Therefore, science can't tell us that God does, or does not exist.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    "Evolutionist" is a silly term made up by Christian fundamentalists and Creationists in a crude attempt to try to make it seem as if those who accept that evolution is an observable fact are in fact in the grip of a religion. Thus a religion-sounding label. But it makes as much sense as calling someone who knows about and understands the theory of Gravity a "Gravitationist".

  • 5 years ago

    The evolutionist never know how the first life on earth began ,they only claim the life happen by random or accident.How then they can elaborate in scientifical manner.They said, the non-life form giving life to the other non- life form. Even the kid would laugh and said that how can I become alive, if my mother had no life before,how can my mother give me the thing that she never had and never ever known it before.

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  • 5 years ago

    "Evolutionist" is an insinuation by fundamentalist Christians about those who find biological evolution and evolutionary theory to be plausible explanations for the development of life. The idea is that we belong to a religious sect, that we "believe in" evolutionary theory like they "believe in" the bible. We don't. A scientific theory isn't something to be "believed in". It's just a way of organizing the data we have and making useful predictions about biological processes. For example, we use evolutionary theory to understand viruses like influenza or AIDS, and we use it to develop new ways to fight such viruses. We use it not because we "believe in" it, but because it works.

    Notice that no Christian has come up with a model that works better than evolutionary theory in our fight against disease.

  • 5 years ago

    It is a BS term made up by the ignorant - to describe people who have an understanding of how evolution works.

  • geezer
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No ..Evolution does not explain how life ''began''.

    No .. God is not ''an evolutionist'' because the bible claims that everything was created ''as it is today''

    and we know that isn't true.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is a word christians made up to reduce the apparent value of this scientific fact.

    Facts and religion never could coexist. One always has to deform and twist to fit the other.

  • andy c
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    God is Creator.

    Source(s): Bible
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