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Question for World War 2 enthusiast: If you were the leader of Germany knowing what you know now how would you have tried to win the war?

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Not start the war with only a couple-dozen seagoing U-boats: they should have had at least 100. Instead, they had only 57 total, with 22 being the seagoing Type VII. Admiral Karl Doenitz, the commander of the U-boat force, complained that he should have had 300 to start the war. That would definitely have sealed off the British Isles and cut off food supplies.

    Even with so few subs, 1940 Britain was down to a few weeks worth of food because so many ships were sunk.

    If there had been enough German submarines in the Atlantic, they could have starved the British into surrender. That might even have allowed the Germans to win when they invaded Russia, since all of the troops in France and North Africa would have been freed up.

    2. Upgrade tanks and aircraft as quickly as possible. The Bf-109 (AKA Me-109) was a 1930s design that the Germans used with numerous upgrades throughout the war: it should have been replaced with the FW-190 as soon as possible. The same was true of the He-111 level bomber (which should have been replaced by the Ju-88) and Ju-87 dive bomber (which could have been replaced by fighter-bomber versions of the FW-190). The bombers were obsolete by the end of the war, while the Me-109 was not as long-ranged or heavily-armed as the FW-190.

    Similarly, PzKpfw IV tanks were produced until the end of the war, even though the Germans had started producing Panther tanks--generally considered the best tank of the war--in 1943.

    The reason the Germans stuck to the older models was that they were afraid of the lost production when switching over to the new models. While the older planes and tanks were constantly upgraded, it wasn't as good as going over to the new equipment.

    One major problem caused by this was logistical: with several versions in use, they had to keep spare parts for them all. The FW-190 didn't use the same landing gear, engine, or canopy (among other things) that the Bf-109 did, so they had to produce spare parts for both planes. In the long run, that caused just as much of a bottleneck as it would have if they had just switched over to one type and dropped the older ones.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Easy Built the American Bomber and had at least 2000 Built 200,000 Panthers

    ensured we never need to use Horses by Taking North africa and the Oil Fields First waiting until the ME 262 was Operational Built at least 12 Carriers and another dozen Pocket Battleships and 2000

    U Boats and in about 1946 Started WW2

    the British would be Short of Fuel they would Lose the Battle of Britain Or ensure a Truce as Offered Dont Fight Us and you can keep your Empire

    on Attacking Russia take the Oil Fields and Bomb the Rail Line so new troops had to walk Bomb all of Russia


    and have Nukes by 1945 before Starting WW2

  • 5 years ago

    I wouldn't start the war in the first place. Instead, I'd invest in the German domestic economy and build that up.

    Doing that, I'd NOT kill several million of my own people in a pointless and unwinnable war and see my country divided in two for 45 years with a large chunk under communist foreign domination. I'd also ensure that my country actually becomes extremely wealthy instead of having to continually plunder foreign countries just to keep my own economy from collapsing in on itself.

  • 5 years ago

    There are a million day to day things I would not do or do different. Starting a 2 front war would be on top of the list to avoid at all cost.

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  • 5 years ago

    By not starting the war in the first place, since what I know now is Hitler ended up dead.

  • 5 years ago

    You wouldn't have started it in the first place. Landlocked countries with populations of 60,000,000 don't become superpowers on their own. They neede a great power or two on their side to have a realistic chance of winning.

  • 5 years ago

    Not invaded Russia. That right there as the big mistake which cost the war.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    scramble for good surrender terms.

    germany vs the us + the ussr is an obvious catastrophe.

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