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Do you think the "Lost my virginity" age is becoming younger since liberals took over and we have become more "open-minded and free"?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    In the scope of recent history, yes. But 100 years ago it was not at all uncommon for 12 year old girls to married so in the grand scheme of things children are actually able to hold on to their childhoods much longer than they were back in the old days. Children certainly are more promiscuous now than when I was a kid, but in the western world children are able to avoid working and becoming parents out of necessity which was not the case 100 years ago.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes, they're hoping ten year olds engage in sex because that's how libs gauge being "open-minded."

    It's one of the main reasons they want dudes in girls' bathrooms and locker rooms.

  • OPM
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No, in fact data is collected on this and we have factual answers. Age of first sexual experience has changed almost not at all, with one interesting exception, children who came of age between the mid-80's to mid-90s. They waited and it appears to be in response to uncertainty regarding sexually transmitted diseases. With that being the exception, people seem to have sex whenever they get the urge and social climate doesn't seem to matter even slightly. Indeed, colonial data implies horrible sexual standards compared to today. One third of all marriages were less than 7 months from child births.

    Your mistake in thinking is that you are imposing adult ways of thinking on teens. Open minded and free is an adult way of thinking. Teens don't think that much. That is way too intellectualized. It isn't that teens are not bright and that they do not think, but for most teens that is way to abstract. In fact, one of the more interesting data points is that sexual behavior doesn't seem to change with "liberalness." The teens of the sixties or seventies had sex at the same rates as the sexually oppressed fifties.

    Now, what is happening is people are hearing about sex more and so it may appear to be earlier. This illusion is similar to the gun violence illusion. Deaths from crime. Crime and gun deaths have fallen for decades, but people are far more worried about being shot now than when there was a greater risk of actually being shot. Likewise, the same is true for terrorism. FBI statistics on terrorism in the United States by Muslim groups show it is quite rare compared to other types of terrorist groups in the United States and that the percentage of total terror attacks by Muslims hasn't varied that much for decades, but people are certain Muslims are coming to attach them. It is true that groups such as ISIS would love to carry out attacks on US soil, but there are hundreds of non-Muslim groups that also would love to carry out attacks on US soil. This creates a danger because by searching for the rare group, you miss the most common groups that scare police because they deal with them, but don't scare the public because the news isn't evenly reported. This causes missed signals. People in the public see early warning signs of non-Muslim terror attacks but ignore them because they are looking for Muslims to attack. There was almost a terror attack in my locality, it was only caught by accident because the person didn't fit the social profile. Only one fast thinking person prevented a large scale tragedy because it dawned on her what was really happening.

    Age of first intercourse hasn't change in almost any period of time, which implies that nothing parents do and nothing parents say is going to keep teens apart if they are determined enough and it never has been. The good news, with our "hook up" culture going on today, they are not actually happening any earlier or any more frequent than the last group of kids or the kids of the '50's.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Its cause cons keep tellin them not to.

    What is the fastest way to get a kids attention... tell them, "stay away from that".

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Studies show that in fact the opposite is happening, probably due to good sex education and training our girls and boys to understand that no means no.

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    My grandmother had twelve children starting at 15. Teenagers have sex.

  • para
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    50-90% of american men lost their virginity at birth, when they were raped with a knife

  • 5 years ago

    No... just more stupid...

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