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MOCK DRAFT. Feed Back welcome.?

1. STL- Carson Wentz - Fits the run first profile of the Rams.

2. CLE - Jared Goff - Can't pass on QB's if you're CLE

3. SD - Laremy Tunsil - Rivers needs time in the pocket for this offense to work.

4. DAL - Ezekiel Elliot - Jerry sees Emmitt in Zeke

5. JAX - Jalen Ramsey - Someones gotta cover DeAndre Hopkins

6. BAL- Myles Jack - Most likely pairs with CJ Mosley to form a nasty duo at ILB

7. SF - Jared Goff - Kaepernick is not the answer. Goff buys Kelly a few years in the Bay.

8. PHI - Vernon Hargreaves III - Maxwell was a disaster. Someones gotta cover Odell, Dez, and DJAX

9. TB - Ronnie Stanley - They get their LT of the future.

10. NYG - Joey Bosa - Bosa slips, to the perfect fit.

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    I think you are right with Goff to Cleveland, but if I ran the Browns I would trade that pick and hope for close to the boatload that the Titans got for the #1 pick.

    I think Cleveland has more problems than QB. They just landed RG III, and I wouldn't be so quick to replace him. He was a very good NFL QB not too long ago, and he is well rested from the injuries that slowed him down. Cleveland has other holes to fill, and multiple draft picks could give you quality at many positions.

    If RGIII works out, you are all set. If he doesn't, you will probably still have a good draft position next year, plus the assets you didn't use this year to grab a QB.

  • 5 years ago

    That's going to be a rough commute for Goff having to go back and forth between Cleveland and San Fran.

    General feedback is that if you like doing these (for some reason) knock yourself out, but obviously they are all worthless. Any draft posted before todays trade obviously has to be blown up, and the next trade will make this one moot.

    Of course, by having Goff in two places, that probably scraps your whole thing...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    what is your QUESTION?

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