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? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 5 years ago

Can you sue someone for stealing your photos and using them in slideshow video they post online on Facebook?

A bank in a neighboring town has used one of my photos that's on my Flickr stream that I marked "All Rights Reserved" as I don't like people stealing my stuff. I have had this happen numerous times and I'm just getting tired of it. I've had bloggers in the past steal my stuff and it's frustrating because it's MY work! Why do people think it's okay to just upload your stuff as their own?

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    This would be an example of copyright infringement. Copyright laws are such that if you don't defend your rights to the image(s) you create, they will shift into the public domain. If you do nothing about them using your image, that's what will happen. As the copyright holder, you would need to send a take-down order to their webhosting company as called out in the DMCA.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Register the picture being used at Then contact the bank and request they take it down. If you send the registration #, they'll know you mean business. And you can sue in court.

    You can contact them without registering, but you cannot take them to court until you register the image.

  • 5 years ago

    Change it privacy settings to private

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