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According to Christianity, Jesus is God. So is Jesus also guilty of the genocide God commits in their bible.?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The bullsht story of God commiting genocide is exactly that! Bullsht!

    Your standing here! Right!

    If God committed genocide you would not be here!

    God did kill human beings that had allowed themselves to be sexed by demons.

    Genetic rabies! What your complaining about is that God stopped a real disease 100 times worse than rabies!

    And those people deliberately infected themselves and their children so they could have the pleasure of demon males!!!

    God did what was right for the species!

    And freind we don't have room on this planet for those that sympathize with demons and those that want to have sex and children with them!

    What you keep forgetting and trying to hide is the fact that the intent of those demon lovers was to commit total complete genocide of the human race leaving monsters in their place!

    And God said no!!

    Yaaaaaaaaaaa! God thank you I don't have 3 eyes and 6 toes and a tail! And no Jesus is not god he is gods son like the Bible says

  • 5 years ago

    That's just it Jesus never claimed to be God in fact many times they referred to him as good teacher or God and he corrected them many times.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    The creation judges the Creator? Crazy?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    The bible , god,and jewsus sucks

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes, except a more accurate phrase in your question should be "responsible for", not "guilty of".

    Just to be clear, God only commanded the ancient Israelites to commit genocide if the nation they were wiping out was wicked beyond repair (Dt 9:4). In the New Testament, Paul advises us to look at such punishments as examples for us to be mindful of so as to keep us from similarly sinning (1Cor 10:11).

  • G C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    People commit genocide. God demands the life back that He gave and holds the adults accountable for their actions. Better learn this before you stand before His throne.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Jesus is NOT God. Only a few Christian groups believe this.

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    God does not commit genocide. He executes the incorrigibly wicked. Or perhaps you would prefer that He leave them here to torment the rest of us?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    No. And the reason why is you are misreading the conquest passages in the Old Testament. When the Early Church Fathers were canonizing the Biblical narratives they read these passages allegorically rather than literally for 4 reasons. (i)The Bible itself says God would not destroy the innocent. In Genesis 18-19 when God is about to pass judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah God says in his bargain with Abraham even if there are 10 innocent people in the city he will not destroy the city. Same thing with the story of Jonah. (ii)Because of tradition. Origen of Alexandria Early Church Father states that Christ and the Apostles would not have passed down the Books of the Old Testament to be read unless they were to be read allegorically. (iii) They were Christocentric. The Bible is the written word of God. Christ is the living word of God. So he's the interpretive key to the Bible. So any interpretation of the Bible that is inconsistent with Jesus's life, example and teaching of peace, compassion and love is wrong. (iv) They had a hermeneutic of Love. St Augustine states that since God is Love(1 John 4) his revelation has to be read in Love. If the Bible is not read with the Principle of Love then not only have we misread the Bible, but we have misread God. St Gregory of Nyssa goes further in his work the Life of Moses and states that any depiction of God in the scriptures that on the surface of it seems to go against God's attribute of being omnibenevolent or merciful should be read allegorically.

    So with this hermeneutic and allegorical reading of the text, when you approach the conquest passages Israel as the people of God is suppose to symbolize everything consistent with the will of God. Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Mercy, Compassion, etc. The enemies of Israel are suppose to symbolize everything that is inconsistent with God. Injustice, hatred, violence, oppression, greed, lust, etc. So when God commands Israel to "put the ban on their enemies"(the phrase used in scripture), it's not suppose to be read as a literal command to kill people, it is to be read as an allegorical commandment to put the ban on all the manifestations of sin.

    So when we are faced with injustice of any kind, we are to put the ban on all forms of injustice. Hatred of any kind we are to put the ban on all forms of hatred. Oppression of any kind we are to put the ban on all forms of oppression. Greed and lust we are to put the ban on all of these things. And we are to take our sinful passions that produce evil, injustice, hatred, violence and oppression and put those passions to death, and leave none of them breathing in our hearts. This is consistent with St Paul's message in Colossians 3 that we are to put to death all of our earthly passions and clothe ourselves with humility, gentleness, kindness, and patience.

    So no. God doesn't sanction genocide in the Bible. I mean God says "thou shalt not kill" and he punishes and condemns the Israelites several times in books like Amos and Jeremiah for promoting injustice to the oppressed and having innocent people killed in the land. So that would just be a flat contradiction.

    Source(s): Anglican Christian
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Jesus did exist before the Incarnation. God is incapable of injustice.

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