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Many trust in science. Yet, when science fails, does that damage their trust?


Would you put your life on the line, if you knew that the scientists who designed the equipment, failed to keep the process you are trusting in, verifiable as to the data it generates. And now, this is talking about information that would cause you to get major surgery, chemo, and the other wonders of modern medicines and the article shows a 70% failure rate! You would get a better deal at a casino!

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    let me put god against your science.

    I'll cut your hand off with a katana and you can pray to jesus to put it back, or beg for medical science to help you.

    I already know which one you'll choose. In which case....where is your faith now? :)


    Would you put your life on the line, if you knew that the scientists who designed the equipment, failed to keep the process you are trusting in, verifiable as to the data it generates. And now, this is talking about information that would cause you to get major surgery, chemo, and the other wonders of modern medicines and the article shows a 70% failure rate! You would get a better deal at a casino!

    I understand your rage. You have been obliterated easily so you warp into desperate fallacy to try and preserve your egotistical faith. Not good enough son. You were destroyed ~ and you know it.

    *Laughing at you.*

    Source(s): Another xtian obliterated. Too easy.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I have to laugh at the many who put their trust in science to solve mankind's problems. True it is that many realize science can be biased because of politics. But do they realize how far science has been compromised? How about the technologies that have been deliberately suppressed? One recent example is a vehicle (automobile) powered by a constant power source (fuel cell, internal combustion, other) connected to a generator which powers four computerized electric motors (one to each wheel). This configuration is much more economical than any conventional vehicle. Suppressed? Bib time. Why? Politics. That is pressure by automotive industry. Why? No need of drive train, transmission and more parts.

    Bottom line Many scientific advances are routinely sidelined by political pressure.

    Sadly, among many who firmly believe they ar footstep followers of Jesus, they also do the same. Their view of the Bible is politicized as well. Some. bowing to political pressure teach that evolution is the will of God. Others mistakenly blame God for the death of children. Others feel all mankind is do for heaven. All of these and more can be classed as Christian myths. These beliefs are not supported by the Bible.

    Basically the world around us is like a stool with three supporting legs. Politics, commerce and religion. Each of these legs feel they are more important than the other two. Truthfully they cannot exist apart. You cut off one leg, the stool falls.

    Your question has to do with trust. Let me ask you, when trust fails what will you do? With science the answer is easy. Science cannot solve mankind's problems. Politics? It fails as well. Commerce? Greed makes it an unreliable savior.

    What about trusting the one true God? Mankind lies. God does not. Mankind has tried hundreds if not thousands of ways to live together in peace over thousands of years. by trusting in themselves. Nothing works for long. Why not? Here is one reason as recorded in the Bible. Psalm 52.

    "Why do you boast about your evil acts, you mighty one?+

    The loyal love of God lasts all day long.+

    2 Your tongue, as sharp as a razor,+

    Schemes harm and works deceitfully.+

    3 You love evil more than what is good,

    Lying more than speaking what is right.

    4 You love every harmful word,

    O you deceitful tongue!

    5 That is why God will pull you down once and for all;+

    He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent;+

    He will uproot you from the land of the living.+

    6 The righteous ones will see it and be filled with awe,+

    And they will laugh at him.+

    7 “Here is a man who did not make God his refuge,*+

    But he trusted in his great riches+

    And relied on* his own evil plots.”*

    8 But I will be like a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house;

    My trust is in God’s loyal love,+ forever and ever.

    9 I will praise you forever because you have taken action;+

    In the presence of your loyal ones,

    I will hope in your name,+ for it is good."

    This earth will be a nice place once the wicked people have been erased.

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • Who
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    which would you rather do

    not take the drugs cos there is 70% chance it wont work?

    or not take it and have a 100% chance of failure?

    or put it this way

    I give you 100$

    you can spend it on a drug that has a 30% of keeping you alive

    or you can spend it in casino maybe win a million but then die

  • 5 years ago

    Science is a methodology, ideally a structured unbiased inquiry into our existence. However, humans do not consistently maintain their lack of bias. Scientists have to be paid, political leaders have an agenda regarding scientific results, business aims to profit from the research products, and scientists themselves have preconceived ideas about their work.

    The scientific method can add a degree of reliability, and because of this, advances can be made. But anyone looks at science as some kind of infallible power do not know the influence of human nature.

    Commercial bias, conflicts of interest, the political environment, the agendas of research funders, all can affect the outcomes of scientific research.

    The references below are just examples of this issue but there are many, many more.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    When science has a mistake it's corrected, religion doesn't change when it has mistakes

  • 5 years ago

    Science corrects its mistakes. Religion persists in teaching its dogma long after it has been shown to be wrong.

  • notned
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Science never fails.. Human theories are wrong and data misinterpreted but basic scientific principals never fail... A body at rest stays at rest...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    When God fails, does that damage Christian's trust? That's a serious question btw. Does it?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I use science to gain knowledge , I trust only goodness as an Evolutional Goodhist .

  • 5 years ago

    No, because science should fail on occasion. Science is an investigative process that studies the universe through observation and experimentation. Not all experiments work and when they don't, we discover more about the universe than we knew before.

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