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Why are transgender "females" allowed to participate in Olympic events?

Caster Semenya was born a man, has male genitals, looks like a man, and has 3 times the amount of testosterone as true women which gives him a huge advantage. Why should we let this happen?

11 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Sounds like a transgender person beat an athlete from your country.

    I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot, had the athlete from your country beat the transgender person would you be objecting then or celebrating the crushing of a transgender athlete.


    Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner (the one who really up set you bigots) won her Olympic Gold metal in the mid 70s competing against men. To that bit of history I truly have to ask. If you had your way would you demand that they reclaim this award on the grounds that Jenner by her own declaration is a women not a man and in doing that do you not understand that you by taking it back would be saying that a women beat all those men. That would really be putting **** on them.

    Now before answer this question I happen to do some research as I did not want to provide incorrect information. I stumble on to a little unknown piece of trivia and this one is interesting.

    Did you know in 1976 upon winning her event, Jenner took an American flag from a spectator and carried it during the victory lap, starting a tradition that is now common among winning athletes. Yet another example of the LGBT community setting the standards.

    EDIT Dude.

    Silly old me, I got so wrapped up at one level I forgot the rest of your question. Caster Semenya.

    Semenya was accessed by many governing organizations and passed to compete. If her fellow athletes had a problem with this they could have issues the ultimate protest by refusing to run.

    That is of things are as you claim, I looked and looked but could find no source that supports your claims. I would be astounded if after this they have not sat down and worked out just what the rules will be for such people.

  • 5 years ago

    Fair or not there is the 2015 Testosterone rule change where the IAAF policy on hyperandrogenism, or high natural levels of testosterone in women, was suspended following the case of Dutee Chand v. Athletics Federation of India (AFI) & The International Association of Athletics Federations, in the Court of Arbitration for Sport, decided in July 2015.The ruling found that there was lack of evidence that testosterone increased female athletic performance

  • 5 years ago

    You're asking the wrong question. You need to be asking why you think anyone with half a brain is going to believe you. Everyone knows that she was born intersex and never knew it. As far as she and her family knew, she'd been female all her life.

    You have also failed to prove how her life is any of your business. Are you an Olympic official?

    I didn't think so. Now go away.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Semenya was born with a vagina and higher than average testosterone. She's not and never has been a man. She does have a genetic advantage, but so do Phelps and Bolt.

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  • bka
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    she wasn't born a man.

    her condition was supposed to remain private, so its none of our business anyway.

    but since we know she was tested and found to be female, we actually have more proof that she IS female than we do about all the other athletes who were either not tested in the first place or tested without public disclosure.

    there are plenty of other women with various conditions that could make them have more testosterone than she does. we just don't know about them because, again, other peoples medical issues are none of our business.

    keep in mind, a lot of these conditions are completely invisible.

    you could have one and you would never know unless you got tested for it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What the hell are you talking about? She's intersex, not transgender.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why is this asked millions of times a week by the same people¿

  • 5 years ago

    Trannies don't care about our opinions and complients

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You seem morbidly obsessed with other people weenies. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist.

  • 5 years ago

    why shouldn't we?

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