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Should I report my assistant manager/ boss to HR?

About a week ago my secondary boss got sick and decided to come to work anyways. He was coughing and sneezing. Our store gets lot of elderly customers. One couple complained to me about him and how he wasnt staying home. I asked what was wrong with that? They said "We have friends that come in here all the time, some are just getting done with chemo and their immune systems are not the best. And your boss could be risking the lives of the elderly people that come here" I agreed with them and told them if they wanted they could contact corporate. They just decided to leave. Now yesterday I got sick from him. I am laying in bed with a headache a sore throat and plugged ears. What should I do? Other then call in of course. I dont want to lose my job for reporting my boss over something that could be minor.

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Actually, the responsibility lies with the elderly couple who have compromised immune systems. They can contract an illness in a lot of places in public, no matter how hard anyone tries to keep the store relatively safe.

    There is a fine line between sending employees home and running a business. Some places- especially retail- will fire employee who take the sick days the rest of wish they would. That was likely the concern of the assistant manager, because they certainly aren't going to be promoted if they look like a slacker.

    If they are concerned about the elderly couple getting whatever you are selling, perhaps the best thing would be to arrange for delivery. I would assure you that anyone who has been in chemo treatment and has fragile health has been *repeatedly* advised against forays into public stores by their physicians. I have friends in chemo, and a kid who survived cancer. You aren't supposed to be there if you are in treatment.

    basically, it is lovely for you and the other employee to be so caring, but it will cost you your jobs if you discuss it with corporate or anyone above your position. This isn't a business function, but there are other ways to handle it. You might also consider that the couple has decided for quality of life over quantity,and realize the risk they are taking. It isn't a reportable offense.

  • 5 years ago

    For what? Do you think cold weather causes colds too? Once cold and flu seasons comes around, you get it 100% of the time. Nothing says you have to develop symptoms when you get sick. Ever get those days where you're just sleepy for no reason, couldn't get out of bed or went to bed early, but "wasn't sick". You probably had a cold. Never developed symptoms, but that was the day your body really kicked it up to fight it.

    #2 it take roughly 1 week to develop symptoms. Maybe you did get sick from him, but since he was sick, that means it's going around and you were getting sick anyways.

    These are things that should be taught in a typical 9th grade bio class.

    Anyways, you should've taken the opportunity. Producers typically don't call off for something minor like an illness. Typical scavenger behavior though. I've worked doubles back to back with a fever. Could've shown you have what it takes to be a producer, greater priority for a raise or promotion.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The issue is up to the customer, to complain, not up to you. The decision to come to work is ultimately up to the individual, or the manager on duty, at the time they are there. Reporting them after the fact does no one any good, and makes you look like a tattle tale, or trouble maker. Don't report it now, after the fact, even if you suspect that you caught their germs, that caused you to get sick.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    NO, mind your own business, you sound like a snitch. This has nothing to do with you, everyone gets colds and they don't stay home. Any person on Chemo could catch a cold in the street or in the hospital.

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  • 5 years ago

    You should have encouraged the elderly couple to complain in writing. And given them an address and email to write.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You must cover yourself so tell the firm that you know you caught the flu from that boss.

  • 5 years ago

    Experts and specialists suggest that self protection and safety is first against all odds.

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    no you shouldn't

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