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Should I just give up and stop trying?

I feel like it's not worth trying to find someone because I keep getting rejected no matter what I say, who it is or to what. All I do is try with no return for my efforts. I've only ever had one gf, and we dated for a month, that was two years ago, since then I haven't gotten anywhere close to that, and it's not from a lack of trying. I'm a high school senior btw if that changes anything

6 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    There are so many other options when you get to college lol. Two years is nothing. My best advice is you do you and let whatever happen happen without worrying about it. I was in a relationship my sophomore year of high school and then I went 3.5 years without another date at all and then another half year in a friends with benefits situation that really wasn't good for me. Just do things that you like to do and maybe you'll meet someone. Maybe you won't. It took me a good 4 years to be ok with finding someone else and now I am in a good relationship.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You might find that you're trying too hard, sometimes if you are desperate for somebody, the other person can sense that and might be put off. Especially if it seems like they are being pestered. The fact you say it happens "no matter who it is or to what" seems as though you might be trying it on with anyone who crosses your path. This could also be off putting if the other person sees you're trying anyone, they won't feel necessarily wanted. Your best bet is waiting to find someone who you really like and then asking them out seriously (face-to-face) not over text and seeing where it goes from there.

    Best of luck!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago


    When I gave up,, five guys ended up having feelings for me - three of which ''love(d)'' me :3 it's very upsetting, but it shows that when you stop waiting for the bus, three come along at once~

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Try again while in college. I didn't have much luck with women until my later years in college.

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  • 5 years ago

    You're like me. In High School I was very inexperienced and didn't know WHO or WHAT to ask about my weakness.

    Today, out in the real world. Whole different story.

    Anything and Everything you want to Change or Improve about

    yourself will require PRACTICE.

    There are many many things school taught you that you (most people)

    will NEVER use in real Life. You probably realize this by now.

    The solution to your problem/dilemma is simple.

    Depending on your personality, it may NOT be EASY, but it's still Simple.




    PRACTICE is just a way to LEARN to get better.

    (High School / College / New Town / New Job)

    Most guys, who care WAY TOO MUCH, usually project or

    develop insecurities in themselves.

    This does not Impress or Capture Women's Interest or Attention.

    The key to Breaking the Ice with ANYONE, is in the ability to make People Smile and Enjoy your company.

    Always use Smiles, Humor and Compliments to approach people.

    USE SMILES (to make them relax),

    USE HUMOR (to make them Smile or Laugh),

    USE COMPLIMENTS (to make them feel good about themselves

    when they are around you)

    Wouldn't you want to be around someone

    that made you feel good about yourself?

    What someone else Feels, Thinks or Wants IS NEVER your concern.

    If YOU like someone, YOUR HEART is what matters.

    Your ONLY job/goal is to get by her side. In her company.

    Once there, make her Smile, Laugh and Feel good about herself

    with Compliments.

    Wouldn’t you like being around someone that did that for you??

    This is how you win over people. Be Likable and Be Fun.

    Make this your personality and people will look for/want to be around you.

    All this may sound scary to you,

    but aren't you already scared anyway…

    And probably sick of being YOU. (the way you are)

    CHANGE will Always be Uncomfortable…

    until it becomes the way you do things.

    Practice is about FAILING, until You Get Better.

    DO NOT be afraid to Practice.

    Practice is just taking BABY STEPS, until it becomes Who You Are.

    Practice and try this out:

    Start by NOT making a big deal out of it. You'll only worry yourself.

    SMILE at all the girls. "ALL" THE GIRLS.

    Not just the ones that appeal to you.

    This is PRACTICE… NOT Let's Find a GIRLFRIEND / BRIDE.

    Say "Hi" to as many as possible. Don't pick and choose who you say "Hi" too, because some of them have other friends

    that you will like and they could do the introductions

    for you at some point.

    Just like Sports... PRACTICE being popular.

    Practice is the start to most things.

    Keep in mind and REMEMBER--Handsome, Beautiful or Butt Ugly

    has "NOTHING" to do with PRACTICE.

    Smile. Say "Hi". Tell her your name, ask her her’s, but compliment her on something you like about her, BEFORE you let her say her name.


    You introduce yourself and compliment (the stranger) right away without letting them say their name. In case They were considering rejecting you, They now have a smile on Their face because of the compliment.

    You just need to keep it there.

    Then say... "I'm sorry, what was your name?" while still smiling.

    One of the weakest qualities guys have with women is, the ability to hold a conversation. The secret to a conversation is asking a fun and simple question that a girl would enjoy answering.

    Example: "I like your fingernail color. What color is that?" She says: "Ocean Spray Blue." You reply: "I knew you were going to do that. As a guy I would have said "a light shade of blue", but women always 'detail' their colors. Do girls get 'special training" on colors or what?" She'll giggle and give you an answer.

    Ask her to name another color or Why is it girls do that?

    Now you have her in a conversation.

    She is enjoying a guy, enjoying her company.

    Learn to Joke with people. It shows a sense of humor as they smile in your company. Example: "In my economics class I learned that TIME IS MONEY. Would you like to spend some with me?"

    If She ask "Time or Money?" You SMILE and say. "YES."

    PRACTICE this over and over. It's only scary the first 3 or 4 times.

    Be nice and conversational to ALL the girls. Even plain girls have feelings and attractive friends, neighbors or cousins.

    Be Respectful, you'll be remembered better.

    Develop Popularity And The Girl You Are Looking For

    Will Probably Find You.

    If you don't start PRACTICING this now, you will lose out on many other opportunities (girls) in the future. The Players call it "Having Game."

    REMEMBER--Handsome, Beautiful or Butt Ugly

    has "NOTHING" to do with PRACTICE.

    Because it's only practice...

    it doesn't matter if you strike out over and over again.

    Also, if you get rejected 100,000 times.

    There is still a BILLION girls you haven't met... YET!!!!!

    and Vice Versa, girls that haven't met You... YET!!!!!

    They do not teach you this in school and most of us (like me) have learned this the hard way. I’m here to help as much as possible to ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN or Ask.

    When you turn 21, A Whole New World Opens Up...


    CONFIDENCE is not about Succeeding. It's about NOT BEING AFRAID,

    to Step Up, whether you get Accepted or Rejected.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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