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Sara asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 4 years ago

My main characters name is Captain Kirk Rogers. What do you think of when you hear that name?

I'm having a bit of fun with my current novel. I'm basically taking things from every favorite show and sticking into a book with an original plot. One of my characters name is...wait for it...Ann Dorian. LOL. I'm having fun, but I hope it doesn't turn people off?


I'm paying homage to my favs purposely. People are supposed to think of those characters when I bring them in. People are supposed to think of Star Trek because of Kirk. Just like they should think of Sheldon Cooper when they read about Sheldor the android. LOL. And Steven Hiller. And Gene Rottenberry. Its supposed to be fun.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you have a solid "archetype" developed with the introduction of famous personalities.

    The thing I don't understand is, in one of your last questions, you said, "Would anyone read a "Love Driven" sci-fi?

    I think this ties into your questions in general, that you seem very market oriented. I think if you were to write a book, it ought to be how you want it. Anyone can write a book based on current marketing trends, and that's just a poor art form.

    I've written a Science Fiction Romance, it's also a Chronicle, Education and Epic-Fantasy. If I took out the Chronicle, Romance and Education, I'd get what is essentially a remake of Heinlein.

    With that said, my book is a masterpiece. If you were to subtract anything from it for marketing, you'd destroy the book. I think Mark Twain says it best: "It's best to have no honor, when you're deserving of it, then to have honor when you don't deserve it."

    There are a few genres that are masterful. Those are Chronicle, Education and Romance, and why would Sci-Fi be made less quality by using these established traditions?

    I'll relate it to this question. If you are using Captain Kirk form Star Trek, or Sheldon from the Big Bang theory as characters, that's ok if you have a reason to do it. (It might be illegal due to copyright infringement, but that's beside the point).

    When you write a novel, the idea behind that novel is that it's something that you wrote to express your thoughts on the world around you. It's not there for anyone else, and if other people like it, then that's even better.

    I've seen you write, and you are a good writer, but stop and think about the Novel. It's job is to be different, not to mold to markets or other people's standards. You can write a novel. You have no reason to care about other people's ideas on what you write, except if they offer you something good.

    Great writers find inspiration in themselves. I think you have inspiration, but if you keep asking the community these kinds of questions, you're giving them the opportunity to write your book. You should write your book how you want, and if you need someone else's ideas to do that, then consider, friend, that you should probably stop writing as that's a copyright violation, and that's a criminal offense.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Sounds ever so slightly stupid. However, Captain Kirk Winter would sound a bit better.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    why not have Kirk as like a shortened version of two names, like Kristopher Park or something

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