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? asked in Family & RelationshipsWeddings · 4 years ago

Is it really immature/juvenile to want a "themed" wedding?

I've been seeing it around lately, what with photo shoots with the groomsmen wielding lightsabers, opening their shirts to reveal superhero costumes underneath, etcetera.

A lot of people have been telling me to "grow up and realize it's a wedding, not a 12-year-old's birthday party".

If it IS juvenile, then WHY is it the latest craze today?

27 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I believe the only "theme" to be used on a wedding day is the color and style of the décor.

    Themes are for birthday parties and house parties, not a wedding day. Sure, people have been doing theme weddings for a long time now. But, I would rather not be a player in a theme wedding because maybe I take the exchanging of vows seriously and think it is a mockery to see a groom in a Dracula costume.

    There is a time and place for everything.

  • Poodie
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    If you are having a vampire-themed wedding, you obviously don't care what your friends and loved-ones think, so why worry about what strangers think? Have the wedding you want.

    I think the reason it is seen as immature is not because people are doing things differently than the traditional, but because it becomes a competition to be the most "unique" and have the best photos rather than what it should be about, which is the very serious matter of committing your life, finances, future children, and everything else to one person. Weddings have become very self-centered lately (I guess we've come full circle from the 80s). Once you invite others to your wedding, it ceases to be all about you.

    If you are more concerned with photos (that you are not likely to look at long after your wedding) than the actual ceremony, then you're doing it wrong. I have seen plenty of young couples FREAK OUT because a member of their wedding party has a different look than everyone else, or the mother of the bride doesn't coordinate with the look or theme of the wedding. Some even want to control what guests wear because "OMG, think of the pictures!!". These people are not paid actors in a play you're directing. They're real people whom you supposedly care about and want to witness one of the most important moments of your life. Take it (and them) seriously.

    No one is saying you can't have fun at your reception, but don't expect everyone to be excited about, care about, or fit in with your chosen theme.

  • 4 years ago

    Where are you getting that it's the "latest craze"? The only thing that counts is what you've seen and heard in REAL life. The internet, reality TV, youtube, pinterest....this stuff produces all sorts of nonsense! Lots of 15 year olds have pinterest pages with their theme wedding fully planned out. Odds are about zero that it will ever happen.

    With that said, I'm not anti theme, but it needs to be discreet and tasteful. If not, then turns into a kid's birthday party.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Opening their shirts is different than having them wear costume at the wedding ceremony.

    Less is more, you do not want to make your wedding look like a child's birthday party.

    There are a lot of ways to have what you love in a adult way.

    Your list question you wanted to know how to combine Star Wars and Vampire for a wedding theme. You do not see how that could be juvenile? Or how that could quickly looking like a child's birthday party?

    Less is more.

    You could have your interest in your wedding, but do it in a mature adult way.

  • 4 years ago

    To me, it is the craze because some people are crazy and because others do it, they want to "follow the crowd". A wedding is a spiritual joining of man and woman to be together for the rest of their lives.A very, very serious decision. You should be able to enjoy the reception, being with the love of your life and socializing with your guests. It is a somewhat, what is the word---solemn occasion--to be taken seriously with no silliness (a bit at the reception is o.k. because that is the reception not the wedding). That's just me. This may be the craze now, but what about when you look at your wedding pictures or your children look at them, it won't be the craze then. I again just me think you would regret it.

    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I personally think a wedding is it's own theme (aka marriage) but don't fault anyone who wants to have one. People like different things. Fact of life. Of course there are different themes, some being more "elegant" than others.

  • 4 years ago

    Very childish and immature. it is not a birthday party for a child it is a wedding which is a joyous but also very serious occasion. Let the "imaginative and creative" themes go and use the theme of Wedding instead

  • Adnama
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    People should do whatever they please. Even if you go 100% traditional, there will be people complaining about something or other. I had a traditional wedding, but if the couple wants a Star Wars themed wedding, then I think that's great. Good for them. The fact that the YA Wedding Police are so critical of the idea makes me like it even more.

  • 4 years ago

    If someone wants that kind of themed wedding, its their wedding and its their fantasy/role play/whatever. And that's OK

    But they may not realize is that they are imposing their love of cosplay on the other celebrants. If the families of the bride and groom aren't into it, its really not appropriate to impose that style on a very important occasion.

    These kinds of themed wedding are juvenile. Not because of the costumes and lightsabers, but because of the childish unawareness of and/or not caring about others.

  • g
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Just because its a craze, doesn't mean its not juvenile. You're not running a circus - it's your wedding.

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