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Remember, M'ssieur. There are worse things than a shattered chandelier.

  • Would you jump at the chance to colonize another planet provided you leave all your friends and family behind and forget all about them?

    You will also be paired with (i.e., forced onto) a compatible member of the opposite sex to populate the new planet.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • How do you get "porn star" from "pastor"?

    I went in for a job interview for a position at school in the International Students Office. I was expecting a one-on-one and not a panel. I came in, shocked. My nerves got the better of me and I was nervous, so much so that my voice was soft and low and I stuttered, stammered, and mumbled.

    One of the questions was: "What are your parents' occupations?"

    I told them my mom was an accountant and my dad was a pastor. One of the panelists had a shocked look on his face and exchanged looks with the others. He goes, "I'm sorry, WHAT NOW?!?"

    Then one of the panelists (who knows me) says, "His father's a pastor."

    Then he was embarrassed and says, "Trust me. You do not want to know what I thought I just heard you say."

    Apparently, he thought I said my dad was a frigging porn star.

    HOW do you get "porn star" from "pastor"? It was one of the clearest things I ever said throughout the whole interview!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • If you could form a soccer team consisting of Disney characters, who would your team include? Request?

    So here's my Disney soccer team:

    Forward - Li Shang

    Striker - Hercules

    Left Midfielder - Beast

    Right Midfielder - Gaston

    Defensive Midfielders - Mulan & Jim Hawkins

    Left Back - Tiger Lily

    Right Back - John Darling

    Sweeper - Aladdin

    Stopper - Flynn Ryder

    Goalkeeper - Peter Pan

    1 AnswerComics & Animation4 years ago
  • If you could form a soccer team consisting of Disney characters, who would your team include? Request?

    So here's my Disney soccer team:

    Forward - Li Shang

    Striker - Hercules

    Left Midfielder - Beast

    Right Midfielder - Gaston

    Defensive Midfielders - Mulan & Jim Hawkins

    Left Back - Tiger Lily

    Right Back - John Darling

    Sweeper - Aladdin

    Stopper - Flynn Ryder

    Goalkeeper - Peter Pan

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Can it be you fear to die?

    Will the world remember you when you fall?

    Could it be your death means nothing at all?

    Is your life just one more lie?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Is it really immature/juvenile to want a "themed" wedding?

    I've been seeing it around lately, what with photo shoots with the groomsmen wielding lightsabers, opening their shirts to reveal superhero costumes underneath, etcetera.

    A lot of people have been telling me to "grow up and realize it's a wedding, not a 12-year-old's birthday party".

    If it IS juvenile, then WHY is it the latest craze today?

    27 AnswersWeddings4 years ago
  • How would you make a compromise in this hypothetical wedding dilemma, having two different themes in mind?

    You're planning your wedding. Your fiancee is a vampire nerd and wants a vampire themed wedding. You're a Star Wars nerd and want a Star Wars themed wedding. She kinda wants one too.

    How do you compromise?

    1 AnswerWeddings4 years ago
  • Is this too dramatic or just fine?

    “Sammy, please" Allie pleaded. “I can explain…”

    But I didn’t listen to her. What was there to explain? I had seen the whole thing happen right before my very eyes. It was time to walk away and never look back at the girl I gave my heart to. She gave it back to me with a bloody knife stuck in it.

    I'm writing a story about childhood friends/sweethearts (six friends who pair off) who drift apart, then find each other again after sometime.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • What horror movie cliche irritates you the most?

    I hate the splitting up bit. It's like, "You idiots! Haven't y'all heard the saying there's strength in numbers?"

    2 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Should we spend our first Hanukkah as a couple, just the two of us?

    I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but... If this thing with my female friend from high school becomes a real thing and we start dating as more than friends, and then eventually (hopefully) get married, should we celebrate our first Hanukkah together alone, or should we spend it with our family (her grandparents, parents, and brothers / / my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and nieces and nephews)?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • What could my dream about a golem mean?

    The dream started a couple of weeks after I'd bumped into an old acquaintance from high school. She was the school's queen bee and I was Dorky McDorkson. We met again accidentally, talked, and I realized she wasn't the same. She'd changed. Dropped the mean, queen bee, Little Ms. Popular attitude and had some humble pie.

    So we started dating (as friends), see where things go. After our "date", I dreamed I was marrying her. Canopy, rabbi, cups of wine and all. Almost every member of our families were in attendance except for my cousin Rachel and the whole Tobias family (my mom is Rachel's first cousin). Suddenly, towards the end of the ceremony, just when we were about to seal the deal, the doors burst open and in comes a golem. Rather frightening-looking. And in the doorway is Rachel, arms folded across her chest. The golem goes for Bethany, intent on killing her, under my cousin's orders.

    She said it was for breaking my heart and being mean and embarrassing me in high school.

    What in the world?!

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • What could my dream about a golem mean?

    The dream started a couple of weeks after I'd bumped into an old acquaintance from high school. She was the school's queen bee and I was Dorky McDorkson. We met again accidentally, talked, and I realized she wasn't the same. She'd changed. Dropped the mean, queen bee, Little Ms. Popular attitude and had some humble pie.

    So we started dating (as friends), see where things go. After our "date", I dreamed I was marrying her. Canopy, rabbi, cups of wine and all. Almost every member of our families were in attendance except for my cousin Rachel and the whole Tobias family (my mom is Rachel's first cousin). Suddenly, towards the end of the ceremony, just when we were about to seal the deal, the doors burst open and in comes a golem. Rather frightening-looking. And in the doorway is Rachel, arms folded across her chest. The golem goes for Bethany, intent on killing her, under my cousin's orders.

    She said it was for breaking my heart and being mean and embarrassing me in high school.

    What in the world?!

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Would Kristen Bell and Henry Cavill go good together in a movie?

    I'd love to see them in a project together.

    2 AnswersCelebrities5 years ago
  • What would make a bank withhold authorization for a purchase?

    I ordered my textbook online (via SNHU's online bookstore) early, hoping to receive it just in time for class to start, or at least one to two days into the course (which is fine, as the first week is just introduction and whatnot, nothing heavy just yet). I waited and waited (and waited) in frustration, and my book never came (it had already been 17 days)! Come to find out that my order had been CANCELLED! So I ordered it again and had to wait for it to arrive (which was 3 and 1/2 weeks into the course). I had missed three very important homework assignments because of it. So I emailed the guys at the bookstore and they said that they never got authorization for the purchase, hence the cancellation of my order.

    This has never happened to me before. It's the first time it ever happened. I've been using Visa for 11 years and have been banking with BoA for the same amount of years and in that time, that has never happened to me, not once. Why now!? Why me?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • How do I forgive a girl who not only rejected me but rejected me in public and embarrassed me?

    At the university I went to, we had a yearly event called Fall Thing (it's like prom but costumed and themed). It used to be a Sadie Hawkins kind of thing but they decided to switch it around and have the guys ask the girls out. I asked a girl out in private (in the comfort of her own dorm, no less), and she not only said no, but said no in public.

    Yes, I know she doesn't owe me a yes, but she didn't have to humiliate me publicly. Is it too much to ask for her to take me aside and tell me privately as opposed to, say, out in public, right dab smack in the middle of the cafeteria where dozens of other students heard and saw?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do I forgive a girl who rejected me?

    At the university I went to, we had a yearly event called Fall Thing (it's like prom but costumed and themed). It used to be a Sadie Hawkins kind of thing but they decided to switch it around and have the guys ask the girls out. I asked a girl out, and she not only said no, but said no in public.

    Yes, I know she doesn't owe me a yes, but she didn't have to humiliate me publicly. Is it too much to ask for her to take me aside and tell me privately as opposed to, say, out in public, right dab smack in the middle of the cafeteria where dozens of other students heard and saw?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago