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Lord, please forgive me. What would species have to adapt in order to live in different levels of gravity?

I don't believe in evolution making humans, God made humans.

There is truth in it being possible, which is God's means to an end.

How would we, then, look under 0.5 or 2G on a please reldzii basis?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    God gave you a brain, which you are blasphemously refusing to use. Fcuk off.

  • 4 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    Evolution is science and, as such, is not a matter of belief but of evidence. Belief is for gods for which there is no evidence. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming which is why it is accepted by theists and atheists alike. All the mainstream Christian religions accept evolution.

    Humans and every other species on this planet evolved in the gravity we have here. Had we evolved on another planet with different gravity we would have evolved in an entirely different way and we would not be recognisably human.

  • 4 years ago

    Better knees.

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