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Lv 6
Pablo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 years ago

Why is government reinventing the wheel on legislation of Healthcare when we have working systems in the world that are solvent?

Italy has a plan....Netherlands has a plan....Canada has a plan and they seem to be solvent? The Leadership current plan has an agenda that is opposed to the presidents view. Every healthcare corporation is showing huge profits. We see the world doing better for it's people. I just want to know what smart people think about this.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Their plans "work" because they pay 50-60% of their salary to taxes.

  • 4 years ago

    For the last 4-5 years health care providers have been dripping out of the ACA program left and right.

  • 4 years ago

    All the way in or all the way out is the answer. Anything in the middle will not work. Prices for care and medication is high because the government has their nose in it.

  • 4 years ago

    None of the systems are solvent. Canada's for example isn't free healthcare. For the majority of Canadian citizens, only basic medical healthcare services are covered. And for that privilege, they pay a godly amount in taxes. The services that are not covered have to be taken out of pocket. Usually paid for private insurance. Dental as well. All those other countries that have so called free health care, it is paid for by someone. Under Obamacare, it made it illegal not to have healthcare. Here was the catch, you had to buy it, or go to jail. You were not allowed to go without. This had a big effect. It caused the rates for the private insurance to go up. After all the insurance companies now had the american people by the nuts because by law they were not allowed to stop their insurance plans. So they could charge whatever they wanted and the government would arrest anyone who wouldn't or couldn't pay. You didn't hear about this part in the news because the mainstream media was pro Obama and they actively ignored that portion of the law.

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  • 4 years ago

    If they are stable it is because of high taxes and rationing of services. And what works in the Netherlands which has a population of 16 million might not work in the US with a much more diversified population of almost 20 times that.

  • 4 years ago

    It's because the U.S. in the past has always depended to a large extent on employer-based health care programs.

    Old habits are hard to break: the "anti-socialism" mood on the right makes this one almost impossible to break.

    Personally, I don't have a dog in this fight, because I'm retired from the military and I get free VA health care, but I would like to see most people have at least as good health care as I do, and the VA is not perfect but pretty good.

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