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Do Jehova Witnesses hate LGBT people?

Alright, so im 14 and at the age of 8, i knew i was gay and it felt normal to me. So, when i went to a kingdom hall with my uncle, everyone there greeted me with hugs. And like everyone, they told me i was a big boy, was very handsome, and will get a beautiful women. Then i said to them "Actually, im gay." They just stared at me wide eyed and told my uncle that they wanted to talk with him away from me. I felt extremely uncomfortable. Everyone was just looking at me like i was a bad kid. Do they really hate us LGBT people? I know its a sin but, doesnt the bible say to treat people equally. After that, i never went to the kingdom hall again. Im very open to being gay and everyone was SO supportive to me, so when i saw those people do that to me, i felt ashamed and a little offended.

6 Answers

  • Hermes
    Lv 7
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They would say they do not hate gay people - but that those people are not in keeping with Jehovah's Law. They are wrong, they are using religious cover for hatred.

    It is NOT a sin to be gay. Things are much more complicated in theology than most people think.

    Let us start with a simple complication. The JWs would tell you that the Bible was an original document from its inception. Their statement on it is as follows: "Bible. We recognize the Bible as God’s inspired message to humans. (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16) We base our beliefs on all 66 of its books, which include both the “Old Testament” and the “New Testament.” Professor Jason D. BeDuhn aptly described it when he wrote that Jehovah’s Witnesses built “their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.” *"

    That is utter nonsense. We as a group have a very good understanding of where the Bible came from and how it came about. The Council of II Carthage (397 AD) voted on a resolution of the Synod of Hippo (393 AD) to establish the canon of books (Textus Receptus). The books were intended to provide a document that that priesthood could "argue" from in accordance with the doctrines ALREADY ESTABLISHED at the Council of Nicea (Nicean Creed) in 325 AD.

    While various individual books existed prior to 397, there were dozens of gospels, hundreds of letters and a half-score of Revelations. The Council determined the books that were then and only then considered divine. There were no autographs of the Bible prior to 397 AD, and in fact the earliest copy of a canonical Bible that we have is the Codex Sinaiticus from the mid 400s.

    The assertion therefore that the early Christian faith is based on the Bible is, quite literally, a lie. By that I do not mean that the people saying it mean to deceive, most of them are devout in their beliefs and could not bring themselves to question them, but factually, the belief itself is false - a lie.

    What was the early Christian faith based on? Mostly Eucharist. Further you can go down the rabbithole of reality and fact much deeper.

    One of the things that this rabbithole, if you follow it, will lead you to is recognizing that what the Jehovah's Witnesses (with no intention of belittling them, they believe what they believe) are actually a reconstituted form of the so called "Arian heresy" - which was the doctrine that Nicea rejected in 325 (an excellent game if you can find an old copy, to show you in a fun format how the doctrine of the church came about is called "Credo")

    This goes on and on - however, being gay is not a sin, and it not something to be ashamed of - and worrying about the Bible as more than what it actually is (an edited and compiled document revealing how two peoples (Jews in the OT and Christians in the NT) sought after the idea of the divine) is also not useful, nor truthful, for you or anyone else. Do not be ashamed of yourself or allow the JWs or any other group of what his most gracious eminence, The RIght Reverend John Shelby Spong used to call the "biblio-idolaters" to affect you in any way.

    You are perfect as you are, and deity, if any, loves you just as s(he) created you.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    They will not allow us to be a part of the church, though we may attend.

  • 4 years ago

    Yes, they hate everyone who's not white, straight, cis, and a JW.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


  • Jackie
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Most Christians hate gays dude

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