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Lv 4
paul asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 years ago

American's do you believe you were all played, each and every one of you????

I have wound plenty up about stuff but the fact is, you were all played ...very easily. the health bill was never going to be accepted ...fact ...basic math...only wealthy insured fully, some decent cover , millions none....= government pick up the bill for it...the wall? Never gonna happen and never was gonna...again the simplicity of it, Mexico paying for it.. ( of course they refused ) trade tariffs ? no way would make up especially as tariffs works both ways. the payments sent via visa back home claw it back? Not a chance, if deporting fast and then not enough and if they are in Mexico gonna not need send money way congress agree pay it as add the billions and interest on top? Not ever was gonna happen.... Now lets see on each major promise which was never ever going to happen ...well it was not my was the dems, it was the republicans who would not agree etc etc etc he has caused massive division which will escalate into open hostility of each blaming the other for his failed promises which sadly a half wit could have seen it coming a long way off, He has no morals and cares for none but himself, his family and friends, has disregarded nepotism by employing them with no qualifications or knowledge at your expense, ignored the emollients clause and of course his decisions will be based upon his own profit and self owned companies, is costing huge amounts on trips and those that defend him? go ahead cos you are paying for it,pity you all.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most of us did not vote for him.

    To say that President Donald Trump has a casual relationship with the truth would be a gross understatement. He has repeatedly cited debunked conspiracy theories, pushed voter fraud myths, and embellished his record and accomplishments.

    Many people, mostly those outside of Trump’s supporter community, are both appalled and baffled by his lies. How can a President — even one like Trump — Tweet or otherwise give statements that are either clearly untrue, or implausible and totally without evidence.

    Trump has two types of lies. The first are those that are demonstrably untrue. For example, his references to the ‘failing New York Times’ when in fact the New York Times is seeing a surge in readership.

    The second are unproven and very unlikely to be true, for example describing CNN as ‘fake news’ or accusing Obama of tapping his phones during the election campaign. There is no evidence for this, and it appears to be based on Breitbart stories. Furthermore, as Obama’s team have pointed out, the President has no authority to authorise or request surveillance of anyone, so it is implausible. If you read the Breitbart story, it is just a feedback loop — they reference what Trump said, which references what someone else said, and then Trump references what Brietbart said. But in amongst the looping of quotes there aren’t actually any facts.

    With Trump we have to consider some assumptions. He has been rich and powerful for a long time. Therefore, he is likely to have been surrounded by yes-men who only enforce his world view and opinions rather than challenging them. He does not brush shoulders with reality on a daily basis, living the life of a billionaire. He also does not read, and watches a very narrow spectrum of media. Now he is President he is even more cut off from the world, and instead of taking advantage of a state machinery that could leave him amongst the best informed people in the world, he has eschewed Intelligence briefings, and other input from independent sources.

    Being very cut off can lead to paranoia, quite aside from however you interpret his mental state. You become very reliant on a small group of trusted people, and increasingly untrusting of everyone else. He has shown he is in thrall to Fox News and Breitbart, often making statements based on news stories they ran the night before.

    Trump will say that unemployment is up, even when data shows it is down. He will claim any success as his, and will blame China, Obama, the Democrats, or others for any failures. If that does not work, he will just rubbish any news that undermines him. We are seeing this now and find it funny and strange.

  • not
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I read till I saw health bill...yes we were played. Obamacare was written for phamacutical and insurance companies, not for the people.

  • 4 years ago

    Actually, most of us who voted did not vote for Trump, so a minority of voters were duped, not the majority. With a 37% approval rating (early last week, may be lower now), I'd say even the duped ones have awoken (at least many of them). Voter turnout was low: I suspect because a lot of people could not bring themselves to vote for either candidate. That's the real problem: a lack of leadership in government. We're just waiting for impeachment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Americans were played by the Pelosi/Reid/Obama/Gruber. Obviously, the same federal Democrat 'supervision,' that gifted American's with a 50 year, federal Democrat $ 9 T, 'great society,' debt was not improved with an EXTRA $ 10 T in federal Democrat looting of the treasury. AND this increased spending actually RAISED costs for American healthcare, education, and welfare.

    Source(s): NOW when Republicans are rolling back SOME of the federal American Democrat 'management,' the Democrats are screeching and claiming RUSSIA is attempting to sabotage the Democrat dream. Notice AMERICAN Democrats have not even been able to 'copy' the Canadian and Euro commies....And their incompetent attempts, have raised American COSTS 2 - 3 X the cost of foreign 'Democrats.'
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  • 4 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    Only a silly goon would say that he could....BEER BATTERED COD.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Not going to read a full rant, but people don't want to spend their time keeping up with politics. They are fine with watching Faux News or Clinton news Network, etc when they are cooking dinner.

  • 4 years ago


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