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Should I worry about a minor sore throat that just won't go away?

I've had a minor sore throat - minor as in I can forget it till I swallow and then ignore it most of the time - for the last two weeks. I have no other symptoms, no spots or swelling on my tonsils or anything like that. Just a minor, nagging, persistant pain that just won't go away.

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Have you taken over the counter medicine? If so, and it still doesn't go away, you should see a doctor. It could become something serious. A few years ago my eyes were terribly irritated. I thought it was just because of allergies, so I used some allergy eye drops, but my eyes were still itchy and watery. I continued taking some meds for allergies for about 3 weeks, but the problem persisted. I went to the doctor finally and it turned out I was going blind and I had to get surgery. So yes, see a doctor

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    if it has been two weeks, it wouldn't hurt to go to the doctor. i had strep with no other signs but a sore throat that i thought wasn't even bad. they gave me medication, and it was all good in days. better to be safe than sorry!

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