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I've been texting this girl I met through online dating. I'm not sure if she's interested/or how interested. Please Help. 10 pts to best A.?

I don't have anyone I can ask this question to, so I thought I'd ask strangers on the internet

There's a girl that I started talking to through online dating. I've never met her personally (yet). However, we've been messaging each other constantly since we started talking on Saturday. I think the longest we've gone without sending each other a message has been a couple of hours, but it's common for there to be 5 min intervals between messages. I'm not here, but I can feel chemistry on my end (at least as much as you can through the internet). I asked her out and she said yes.

I told her I thought she was really pretty over text. She said "Aww thats really sweet of you. Thanks. :)". Then I said something else flirtatious and she said "Your so nice, thanks. How has your day been"

I was kind of hoping she'd say something flirtatious back as to see if she's interested, but she didn't. Does this mean she's not that interested? Does it mean something else?

I know I may sound ridiculous, but I need to ask someone, and I don't at the moment have any people I know I can ask.


I did narrow down the date to an exact date, time, and location in case this is not clear

Update 2:

We are meeting in person soon. We have an exact time and place for it. This doesn't appear to be clear from some of the responses given

3 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    keep trying to talk with her, i think. send her subtle hints that you like her. it is hard to tell rn if she likes you back, but it kinda sounds like she's not interested. i could wrong, tho

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You should not send more than 40 messages to a girl without asking her to hang out on a date. Period. If you send more than 40 messages, you are wasting your time.

    Within 40 messages, she will know enough about you to give you a "yay or nay" as to whether or not she wants to hang out with you and get to know you.

    During the hang out phase, you should be flirty, and give her a kiss at the end of the date (make out with her good). Maybe not sex, but YOU NEED to at least make out with her or otherwise she will think you are a "loser beta male" and lose respect for you. I'm actually being dead serious, I have found that out the hard way.

    I am 25 years old and have had sex with over 40 girls. When I was younger, like ages 18-20, i was real bad at getting girls until I started studying a ton of psychology, human behavior, social dynamics, sexual and dating psychology, etc etc etc. Trust me when I tell you that I know what I'm talking about.


    To answer your specific question: She may be interested. She may not.

    She definitely enjoys the attention (almost all girls do). The real question is, "is she willing to MEET YOU IN PERSON?" If not, then shes just USING YOU FOR ATTENTION.

    Sort of like guys will USE GIRLS FOR SEX, girls will USE GUYS FOR ATTENTION.

    What you are doing, is the female equivalent of when girls will have sex with a guy immediately to try to see if he is into her... and then she keeps going over to his place and having sex... wondering aimlessly if they are ever going to date.

    In reality, she would have been smart if she had established early on, if he wanted to date her or not. Before having sex, even! Or at least shortly thereafter. If she waits, she only will get more heartbroken and more likely to be rejected, too. Why would a guy date her if he can get the sex for free?

    Similarly, you should not be giving a woman so much endless attention. For one, why would she meet up with you in physical person and have sex with you, when she can have the attention and emotional support for free? And secondly, when you waste that much time talking to her, you appear lower value and you also waste your own time. You dont make her "more likely to f*ck you or date you" because you talk to her longer. You need to make a MOVE.

    Last but not least:

    You say you "asked her to go on a date" and she said "yes". That's great... sooo... why did you not narrow down an EXACT DATE AND TIME?

    You should have said "great! What day works best for you?" and if she didnt give an exact date, you should have said "would this saturday work, or would this tuesday be better?" if she agrees to one of those days, then say "Ok great, does 7pm work or what time is best?"

    NOTE: If she still did not confirm either day, and she is clearly trying to avoid scheduling an exact day, then you should say "Hey, if you really want to meet me for real, then let's figure out what day. You seem cool and I like talking to you, but I don't wanna just waste time if I'm just being led on."

    If she truly wants to meet you, then at that point she will apologize and give an exact date.

    But if she either makes an excuse about "being busy"- or if she pretends to be mad or offended at you for daring to say that, and she acts all huffy and rude- then you know she never intended to meet up with you (and that should be a good lesson to you, to realize, that just because a girl enjoys your attention and ego boosting, doesnt mean she truly wants to meet.)

    You should get a Tinder and a Bumble both, ideally, and message as many matches as possible (that you are at least moderately attracted to), until you find a girl that you enjoy talking to and who is at least cute ENOUGH, and who is willing to ACTUALLY MEET YOU.

    Note: You dont need to expect supermodels. In fact, going for girls "hotter than yourself" is the fastest and #1 way to never ever get any p*ussy.

    You can go for hot girls- but you still need to go for plenty of girls IN YOUR LEAGUE, too, so that way you "stay fresh" in terms of your game, skills, and personality .

    if you only go for hot girls, your social skills with girls will decline (as you never actually meet with any of them), and you will also become insecure, bitter, jealous, and resentful because you get rejected so often. That's not good. If you go for girls you can actually REALISTICALLY ATTAIN, then your ego and confidence will rise, and that confidence will help you land the occasional "hottie". But dont just only go for the hotties. Then you end up with no girls ever. Just FYI

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Don't try to flirt its meaningless and only says you like to flirt she is talking to you she responds reasonably quickly that says she is interested in you she said yes to a date so go on that date show her you are interested and want to get to know her

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