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I lied to my online boyfriend about my age but I'm afraid that once I tell him the truth he will stop talking to me?

I've been talking to an 18 year guy online for 2 years. The problem is that when we first started talking I told him I was a year older than I really am, I'm 15 years old now. One time when we were on the phone I joked about it by asking him what he would do if i was actually older or younger. He simply said that it would be crazy, then I asked "what if I was just a year younger, like 15?" and he said that it would still be wrong. But when I think about it I don't know how being 16 would make it right either. Because he's turning 19 in a month from today. I really want to tell him the truth, but I'm afraid that he will stop talking to me now that I've become so used to talking to him everyday.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i did the same...i was 14 he was 18, i told him i was 17 turning 18 at first, then i said i'm 16 then i just told him the truth that i'm 14 after about a month of talking and he didn't react as bad as i thought he would. but 2 years later...we're still talking. i told him at the time that we should just stay friends, then i couldn't hold back my feelings and we "dated" for about 4 months then we broke up.

    Source(s): woopsies
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You need to be honest. Or else you are putting him in big trouble? Make sure he shouldn't have a relationship with you.

  • 4 years ago

    Ask him if he will love you no matter what you tell him and he will understand if he loves i know i would

  • 4 years ago

    ur ******

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