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  • Has anyone ever walk into the wrong locker room?

    Dorry for the long story About a week ago me and my girl friends and friends went to a hotel that one of the girls mom is the manager of and we got 2 free rooms for her birthday. So lets call her M my girlfriend J and the other 2 girls L and D. Well the rooms still had people in them for a couple hours but we wanted to go swimming so M said they had locker rooms so we could just give her mom our suit cases and just take a swiming suit. So when we got to the locker rooms we got changed and went swimming and down the water slides and had alot of fun we were in the hot tub and her mom said the rooms were ready and they put our bags in the room i thought i was going to be by my self but the said me and my girlfriend got ine room and M, L, and D got the other room. I said you guys go and ill meet you up there so 15 minites later i go take a shower then went into the lockeroom half and looked around put the towel on a hook and looked for my locker and then i saw L and she was only wearing a bra then D and M were naked and J was gone so i tried to sneackout but i Heard L say what are you doing and she was holding my swim suit then they started to laugh because i strarted to throb down there. I went up to my room and J was there watching tv and said i just showered here and i told her what happened so when we went to the party in Ms room all the girls said so did u like what you saw and gave me a hard time about it the whole time but at least i got to see them naked

  • Girls is my penis big or small?

    Im a 6 foot 3 tall 16 year old guy with a little over 7 inch penis and im wondering if girls like it or not and what are girls into in the bed any pointers

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Girls only need advice with my girlfriend?

    Im not a troll all they things i type are real someone please give me a real awnser i was with my girlfriend today and we went minigolfing. She was wearing white short shorts and a nice little tank top and was realy showing them off. She was sending me alot of sexual signals by bending over infront of me and feeling my chest alot when we were done she said she was realy horny and in the car she kept touching my dick. When we got to her house her whole family was gone and she told me to come inside. When i got in there she said go to her room and got agressive. She went in there and started to take my clothes off and told me to take hers off. When we got undressed she started to rub my penis and we had sex and then she told me to go again so we did and then she said lets go again is she a sex addict because i cant keep up with her

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Saw girlfriends sister naked help me has this happened to anyone else?

    I was swiming with my girlfriend and her older sister today in her pond. Then my girl frend told me to meet her in the kitchen and she told me her parents just left and wont be back all weeked and said i could stay the night if i never tell her parents. So we started to make out on the counter and then she felt my dick get hard so she your excited arnt you and then her sister walked by looking at us like a pervert and said have fun i wont say anything. And they look very similar long brown hair skinny and similar faces btw then she said i have to take a shower and my firlfriend said she did to so she told me to go to her room so i did but then i thought it would be funny so when i got in there it was her sister and she was masterbating and saying my name and staring at my penis and i ran out into the other bathroom and told my girlfriend what happed and she said dont worry she said her sister masterbates alot and to alot of things so dont sweat it but later that night i slept in my girlfriendds room and we were having sex buti could not get completly hard and my girl friend didnt really seem to notice because she was having a good thime and she was riding it so hard but i could not *** because i kept thinking about her sister masterbating to me and i got a mental block. In the morning her sister came down the stares and said way to go sis on taking that monster last night she said how did you know and she said i could hear you moaning and the screaming all night

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Saw girlfriends sister naked help me has this happened to anyone else?

    I was swiming with my girlfriend and her older sister today in her pond. Then my girl frend told me to meet her in the kitchen and she told me her parents just left and wont be back all weeked and said i could stay the night if i never tell her parents. So we started to make out on the counter and then she felt my dick get hard so she your excited arnt you and then her sister walked by looking at us like a pervert and said have fun i wont say anything. And they look very similar long brown hair skinny and similar faces btw then she said i have to take a shower and my firlfriend said she did to so she told me to go to her room so i did but then i thought it would be funny so when i got in there it was her sister and she was masterbating and saying my name and staring at my penis and i ran out into the other bathroom and told my girlfriend what happed and she said dont worry she said her sister masterbates alot and to alot of things so dont sweat it but later that night i slept in my girlfriendds room and we were having sex buti could not get completly hard and my girl friend didnt really seem to notice because she was having a good thime and she was riding it so hard but i could not *** because i kept thinking about her sister masterbating to me and i got a mental block. In the morning her sister came down the stares and said way to go sis on taking that monster last night she said how did you know and she said i could hear you moaning and the screaming all night

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Any funny naked stories?

    I am 16 and my best friend is a 15 year old girl we went camping and she said lets go skinny dipping. I said will it be weird since im a guy she said i see you as a friend not a guy what ever that means so we went to the lake down the hill from our tent. And got undressed and then she looked at my penis and said curious questoin do you think im hot because now that im naked do i look hot because your dick looks so long and hot and i got nervous and got a massive erection and she said ill take it as a yes big boy and jumped in and i followed. We swam for a while and then we went back to the tent and she said we dont have to get dressed since we seem evhother naked and all there is nothing to hide. So we got ready for bed and she wrapped he arm around me and her body was really hot and i was cold so i didnt care nut in the middle of the night she woke me up and said that she could go to sleep because she was to horny and kissed me so i got rock hard and she said my cock looked to big for her so dhe started rubingvit and then i started fingering her and eating her out and then she said she didnt care pulled a condom out of her bag and said i planned for all of this to happen because i love you and i akways have so she put the condom on my penis and we made love all night long. The funny thing about this is i always wanted to ask her out but to hervous and im leaving as her boy friend

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Girls only is my friend curious or a sluts help me?

    Hi im a 16 year old guy and i was hanging out with my female friend we were not dating she is 16 short and good looking. I was at her house watching a scary movie and she jumped on my lap and said she was scared. I didnt care so we kept watching the movie. But then there was asex scene and i felt her thighs and vagina geting really warm on my lap and i got a big ***** and she jumped of and stared at it i was wear basketball shorts and it was very notacable and then she started feeling ger breast and bitting her lip and asked if she could see it and i said nothing just do nervous abd she git on the couch next to me and puljed my shorts and boxers off and grabed my penis and asked how big it was and i said i dont so she grabed a ruler and measured it and said 19 cm and i came on her and she said dont worry about it and then her parents came home so i left is she a slut or just curious

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago