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Any funny naked stories?

I am 16 and my best friend is a 15 year old girl we went camping and she said lets go skinny dipping. I said will it be weird since im a guy she said i see you as a friend not a guy what ever that means so we went to the lake down the hill from our tent. And got undressed and then she looked at my penis and said curious questoin do you think im hot because now that im naked do i look hot because your dick looks so long and hot and i got nervous and got a massive erection and she said ill take it as a yes big boy and jumped in and i followed. We swam for a while and then we went back to the tent and she said we dont have to get dressed since we seem evhother naked and all there is nothing to hide. So we got ready for bed and she wrapped he arm around me and her body was really hot and i was cold so i didnt care nut in the middle of the night she woke me up and said that she could go to sleep because she was to horny and kissed me so i got rock hard and she said my cock looked to big for her so dhe started rubingvit and then i started fingering her and eating her out and then she said she didnt care pulled a condom out of her bag and said i planned for all of this to happen because i love you and i akways have so she put the condom on my penis and we made love all night long. The funny thing about this is i always wanted to ask her out but to hervous and im leaving as her boy friend

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    -why did jesus ride the cross naked

    -he didn't

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