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Why can't we buy these fighters?


Some years back, Russia started selling off their very old fighter aircrafts

Update 2:

Old Russian aircrafts were then sold to members of the public. A number of celebrities from Europe also started buying these fighter aircrafts for their own enjoyment.

Update 3:

If that is the case, why can't the US Air Force or the US Navy also do the same? Why can't they also sell off their own old hardware to members of the public? Perhaps old planes like the Skyhawks or the Sabre jets can be decomissioned and sold to members of the public

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    While there ARE a few Korean War era Sabre jets (F-86) in private hands, the great majority of the vintage military aircraft that did not make it into museums have been cut into little pieces and melted down for recycling into beer cans.

    The US Government WILL NOT sell a modern jet fighter aircraft to a private individual because of liability concerns. There are too many lawyers just drooling for the opportunity of bringing a Billion dollar law suit against the US Military if one of their old fighter planes crashes while being flown by an unqualified civilian.

  • 4 years ago

    you can but you may be disappointed with what they have taken out

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