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How much should I sell and old 05 Trailblazer that the transmission went out on?

It has been sitting for 2 years. 3rd gear clutch pack went out. I need it gone and would like a little something out of it. I realize it won't be much at all. 100,000 miles too...

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    $100. - scrap value. You could part it out and sell the pieces for a lot more but it takes time and you have to deal with all the morons that want everything for free.

    Pilsner Man is a fool. Who would buy a rotting for 2 years broken truck for market price (minus the trans $) and then have to deal with getting the transmission repaired when you can simply spend the same amount to get one that drives? Duh!

  • 4 years ago

    I sold a 2003 Trailblazer with only 36k miles on it in 2016 for $3500. It was mechanically fine, had all the service receipts, never been wrecked, etc. Probably could've gotten a little more for it, but I didn't have anything in the vehicle. For one that needs a new transmission, you're probably looking at around $250-$500 to the right person.

  • 4 years ago, then deduct $2500 for the tranny.

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