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What is the biggest risk to Paul's plan to win Big Brother?

Paul has done a good job of being the puppet master this summer, and his fellow houseguests have all but handed him the big prize. But weird things can happen due to the format. What do you see as the most likely way that somebody else could win?

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He plans to take Xmas & Josh to F3 and if one of them wins final HOH. They will take eachother not him

    Or if he doesn't split up Jason & Alex next week

    That's the only way I see him not winning

  • Tmess2
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    My own belief is that Final 4 is the bigger risk.

    If Final 3 HOH follows its typical format -- endurance, physical/memory, and social (complete the juror's comment) -- Christmas will not be able to compete in Part 1 and may not be able to compete in Part 2. I also think that Paul has an advantage over Josh in both Part 1 and Part 3.

    At the Final 4, the real power belongs to the winner of the POV and HOH merely has safety. If any duo (Alex and Jason or Christmas and Josh) makes it to the Final 4, the risk is that the fourth person wins HOH and one of the duo wins POV. In that case, even if the duo wants to take Paul to the Final 3, they can't without evicting their partner.

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