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? asked in Science & MathematicsMedicine · 4 years ago

Drug overdose survival tips??

Share any helpful info you have for helping people survive an overdose please...

For example...

I know theres a substance called can reverse an opiod (heroin, oxycodone etc) with it if you inject the overdoser.....

Do you know of any medications that could do something similiar for someone who is overdosing on benzos(xans etc) or stimulants (meth,mdma,speed etc) or alcohol ......

I just like to know hese a young adult from Los Angeles so its def good to know

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As far as I know, there isn't anything like Narcan which can reverse an opioid overdose, which would work for someone overdosing on benzos or the other substances you mentioned. I would think a trip to the ER as fast as possible would give a person the best chance to survive an overdose, probably being taken by ambulance. If you see anyone who's overdosed on anything, call 911 immediately.

  • 4 years ago

    Helpful info? Get to a hospital!

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