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How do I learn about and practice buddhism?

Thank you for your help if given.

8 Answers

  • joe714
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Watch Ajahn Brahm on youtube. If you want a view of Buddhism that will inspire and uplift you. Nobody teaches meditation better than Ajahn Brahm. He explains every step and why.

    Look thru the many videos on site below and pick out one that interests you and see what you think.

  • 4 years ago

    buddhists worship mountain kailash inside which demons have a ufo base; forgive me.

    Source(s): vyacheslavkrasheninnikov
  • sats
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You already have some answers to help you, so here are the basics to get you started...................

    Basics of Buddhism

    The First Noble Truth

    Unsatisfactoriness and suffering exist and are universally experienced.

    The Second Noble Truth

    Desire and attachment are the causes of unsatisfactoriness and suffering.

    The Third Noble Truth

    There is an end to unsatisfactoriness and suffering.

    The Fourth Noble Truth

    The end can be attained by journeying on the Noble Eightfold Path.


    1. Right View/Understanding

    (Understanding the Four Noble Truths) - See things as they truly are without delusions or distortions for all things change. Develop wisdom by knowing how things work, knowing oneself and others.

    2. Right Thinking

    Decide to set a life on the correct path. Wholehearted resolution and dedication to overcoming the dislocation of self-centered craving through the development of loving kindness, empathy and compassion.

    3. Right Speech

    Abstinence from lies and deceptions, backbiting, idle babble and abusive speech. Cultivate honesty and truthfulness; practice speech that is kind and benevolent. Let your words reflect your desire to help, not harm others.

    4.Right Conduct

    (Following the Five Precepts) - Practice self-less conduct that reflects the highest statement of the life you want to live. Express conduct that is peaceful, honest and pure showing compassion for all beings.

    5. Right Livelihood

    Earn a living that does not harm living things. Avoidance of work that causes suffering to others or that makes a decent, virtuous life impossible. Do not engage in any occupation that opposes or distracts one from the path. Love and serve our world through your work.

    6. Right Effort

    Seek to make the balance between the exertion of following the spiritual path and a moderate life that is not over-zealous. Work to develop more wholesome mind states, while gently striving to go deeper and live more fully.

    7. Right Mindfulness

    Become intensely aware of all the states in body, feeling, and mind. Through constant vigilance in thought, speech and action seek to rid the mind of self-centered thoughts that separate and replace them with those that bind all beings together. Be aware of your thoughts, emotions, body and world as they exist in the present moment. Your thoughts create your reality.

    8. Right Concentration

    Deep meditation to lead to a higher state of consciousness (enlightenment). Through the application of meditation and mental discipline seek to extinguish the last flame of grasping consciousness and develop an emptiness that has room to embrace and love all things.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You can't do it just by reading a book or website. Buddhism, like most religions, involves community (called the "sangha" in Buddhism) as a major part of its practice. Religions are social phenomena involving groups of people together, not disconnected individuals. (The word "religion" itself comes from a Latin word meaning "close connection").

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The best way is probably to talk with Buddhists. The Source below is the second best way. It is a free site offering Buddhist Books online.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    To become a Buddhist, first you must perform the Sacred Rite of the Google Search.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Ummm, maybe read some books and visit a Buddhist temple or something? Or is that too crazy?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Read a book

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