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Where do I get a cheap passport photo?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    For the most part, any business that advertises Photo ID and/or Photo Passport will do, depending where you live (nation). They are experienced and have the set-up for such photos, and are usually very affordable; they all fol;low the requirements established by the government Passport agency. It's not worth the hassle and inconvenience of doing it yourself and risking rejection. Don't complicate your life; keep it simple and let those experienced and prepared with the set up to do it right in a matter of seconds.

  • 3 years ago

    Any post office, wal-mart, or small, independent camera shops (not big box stores like best buy), and I'm pretty sure that the UPS and FedEx stores do passport photos too.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Without knowing where you are (country, city, etc) no answer is possible.

  • qrk
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    DIY. You can get the image printed at a drug store for under 30 cents. Costco is 19 cents.

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  • keerok
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    From where I am when you go and apply for a passport at the Department of Foreign Affairs, the officer in charge of you will be the one to take your passport photo himself. There's a digital camera right in front of where you sit and your chair will have a mini white wall behind it to satisfy requirements. If you behave nicely and if the officer is in a good mood, you can request to see your picture and even ask for a retake to improve it. No Photoshop though - that's going too far already.

    If you simply need a passport-sized photo for something else then visit one of those quick ID photo shops that can shoot and print your photos in 15 minutes or less.

  • John
    Lv 7
    3 years ago


  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I took my own with a digital camera. White background, no smiling, no glasses.

    I have had them rejected from photo-me booths in the past.

  • 3 years ago

    In the UK, you can use a photo booth in shops and shopping centres.

    For a little more, you can have passport photos taken in some of the picture-processing shops (e.g. Snappy Snaps).

    I had mine taken in a photo processing shop where they used proper lighting, professional cameras and were able to ensure the exact positioning required. It costs a little more than a photo booth but it was worth it .. and quicker than a photo booth.

    You can take your own passport photos but they will be rejected if they do not match the exact specification of the passport office, including background colour and texture and the positioning of the face in the picture.

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