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Should I visit a prostitute?

I am a virgin single man 27 years old

Really I am doing masturbation in front of porn films for so many years ! but really fed up and felt desperate ,bored,exhausted,unsatisfied and depressed.

So should I visit a prostitute to lose my virginity on her??

7 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok u made me angry last time though but i understood that u need my help a lot. U told me about girl from Egypt so try with her without any of our advice.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I understand that people can get lonely or desperate. If you need to visit a prostitute, go do it.

    Personally, I don't think prostitution should be illegal. If we just find a way to manage disease and protect the workers, it can be a viable business. It's money for a service, just like taxi drivers, plumbers, and lawyers. If we weren't a country so focused on religion, it might've already been legal.

  • Dick
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    If you can't find women, this might be a way out for you. Using prostitutes has some very real risks. It's an illegal enterprise, therefore you have absolutely NO protection, of any sort, against robbery, con jobs, bait and switch, or false advertising. There are some real loser out there, doing it for drugs. or working for pimps. Younger girls are always at risk of being having been trafficked by gangs.

    Do some research, and you can reduce your risk to a manageable level. Avoid street whores, Craigslist, and Backpage. Low class, and lots of cops. There are some services that list girls in your area, sometimes rate them, give their rates, and what services are offered. One of the best is The Errotic Review. It's cost is minimal, and they have reviews. Still NO guarantees, but if she doesn't have a lot of reviews, she's probably a cop.

    Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    Hello, Ahmed, and Happy New Year!

    Before we continue with our discussion, you must bear in mind that you have submitted your question at a site that is used mostly by readers in their teens and early twenties; this is a matter that they are not likely to have had much in the way of experience which is bound to impact whatever advice they offer you. From the tenor of your post, you sound like a man who probably has as much experience with the demimonde as most of the prospective "answerers" at this site so carefully weigh what you're "listening" to.

    Rest assured, I am not in judgment of you, so you need not fear that. I well understand the frustration and loneliness you admit to feeling and, while procuring the services of a prostitute may represent a temporary form of relief it is by no means the best way to go. So, in response to the question you pose as to whether you should visit a prostitute or not, I cannot answer that because that decision rests with you. I cannot know the depth of your loneliness and depression; only you do. The best I can do is to offer these suggestions:

    I would urge you not to procure the services of a streetwalker; I think you know what that means so I need not explain. I say that because I sense that you would not know what to look for or, for that matter, who may be looking at you. Depending on where you reside, hookers have a variety of resources as to where an assignation is to take place; it may be in a seedy hotel nearby, it may be in a darkened alley, it may be in someone's apartment (perhaps her pimp). Once you're alone with her, you're totally on your own and out of your element, with no guarantee that you won't get "rolled" (basically it means that a "john" could be robbed quite literally with his "pants down"); if you're young and relatively naive, as you appear to be, then this is not the best nor safest route to take for sexual satisfaction. You need another way.

    Years ago, there were publications, much like weekly newspapers, that focused on what was then called "apartment bordellos"; not all of the newsstands carried these periodicals and if they did, only a few were offered for sale. Basically, these periodicals listed the addresses and hourly rates of brothels that were located in apartment buildings at various parts of town (I am speaking specifically of New York City). Now, once you called for an appointment and gave the receptionist your "code," arriving at these places was a fantasy fulfilled; they were clean and perfumed--really, a veritable wonderland of sensual bliss. And the women were beautiful beyond compare. Their presence in the apartment buildings were on the "down low"--secret--so as not to attract unwanted attention. The girls--call girls,if you will--were not cheap; an hour of bliss could run the client--the "john"--somewhere between $140 and 200--and that is not counting the gratuity (which is mandatory in a brothel). That was 20 years ago; nowadays, you may have to Google the information from the internet ("apartment bordellos or brothels") to discern if they still exist, what the going rates are and how to get in touch with them. I am mentioning all this because I respect your personal plight and I'm not going to be one of those who advise you to seek profession help; you are an intelligent man and can figure things out for yourself, if that is what you want. If you want to find out where to go in hopes of having protected sex with a young woman who is accustomed to showing awkward virgins how the world works, then see what you can discover on your own. Is it worth it? No one can answer that but you. There is no shame to masturbation but, as you well know, jerking off is no substitute for the real thing. Paid sex is the real thing; call girls are not robots but real people. It's not cheap and you will have to find a way to live with having to seek a prostitute for what amounts to companionship, however brief. Okay. I'm done. Determine to quit feeling sorry for yourself and realize that if you want something done, you will have to go out there, in an unfamiliar place, and do it.

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  • 3 years ago

    Kit has got it right. Maybe you have underlying reasons as to why you still haven't had sex and these things must be addressed first so that you have more choices appearing to you than prostitution. Do you not have the balls to put in the leg work and find a friend with benefits for example? There are many alternatives to watching porn or being with a prostitute. if you go on line you can find partners that are willing to watch you and masturbate with you. If you go on dating sites there are many willing to meet you to have sex with you. there are other alternatives so why settle for prostitution? no pain no gain.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    At 27 you must be matured enough to understand that solution to you problem is not to visit a prostitute but seek suitable employment and select a nice girl with a view for marriage .Loose your virginity to your permanent partner.

  • 3 years ago

    If you feel bored, unsatisfied, depressed, it's unlikely visiting a prostitute is going to solve the issues underlying those feelings. It's also likely that feeling this way, and the underlying causes, are part of the reason you are single - feeling depressed can make you less confident, less likely to interact with other people, and so on, for example.

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