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What is wrong with the health system in the USA? Example: a prescription for a Spirva Respimat inhaler in Ontario is free .?

4 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Nothing is free in the USA. You pay "through your teeth" to live here. I have heard that in England people seem to have "free medical." If so, they are doing much better as far as medical care for their citizens are concerned. For a modern Country you would expect that the USA would have found a way to help its citizens when they are ill, but sorry to say, this is not so. Look at the corruption in the White House now, with all this misogyny and dishonesty going on behind the scenes. My only hope is in our younger generation, that somehow they may be able to restore the dignity and valor we, as a Nation, once used to have.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    it is NOT free.. you PAY for it with your HIGHER taxes.

  • a2yar
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    rich corporations buy politicians

  • 3 years ago

    Continued :::It is free in Ontario , Canada under age 25 or over 65. If you aren't covered, it costs $64.88 ( Spiriva Respimat )

    In the USA, that same inhaler costs $800 WITH insurance. People in the US die because they can't afford meds at those prices.

    How does Congress justify allowing the pharmaceutical companies to gouge the citizens like that. It doesn't make any sense.

    I have a dear friend in Chicago who was prescribed that also, but can not afford it and she has insurance.

    Gouging like that is criminal....People need to rebel and demand better health care services.

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