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Are there any Christians who know the difference between an assertion and a fact?

I only ask because I haven't seen any Christian demonstrate this understanding. Asserting your 'god' is real doesn't make it true so why do you lie to people as if you do have evidence?

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Christians like all theists don't do facts because facts are based in the real world and religious belief isn't. Facts, like rational thinking, are utterly taboo for theists as all they can do is blindly believe, despite the facts.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    If I want to learn about evolution, I can read a book on it!

    If I want to learn about the "big bang" (singular), I can read a book on it!

    As a matter of fact I can read a whole bunch of books on these subjects and not a one of those books will make any thing other then an assertion based on some ones observation.

    If reading a book or books on a scientific subject is considered good scholarship, then reading books on Christ and Christianity is also good scholarship.

    To quote a scientist is no different from quoting a theologian. Both have equal value for the subjects in which they can be considered an expert.

    Yes, I do know what an assertion is and I know what a fact is.

    A fossil is a fact.

    Any conclusions based on that fossil is an assertion.

  • 3 years ago

    You are spiritually blind, Dude

  • 3 years ago

    Yes I am one. My discovery of mankind mis-translating the scripture that makes up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical text now proves the existence of a Intelligent Designer named the God of Abraham whose scientific mind is where this advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical text originated from and not from the unscientific minds of ancient sheep herders.

    No assertions in my discovery just concrete scientific facts.

    Source(s): The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.
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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Yes I will tell you exactly the difference between an assertation and a fact. A fact is something that has been tested by science with an appropriate control method and has been documented and has a certified lab report to accompany it then it becomes a fact.

    An assertation is when you say my book says this or that or science says this or that and yet you cannot produce a real certified lab report or a copy of the science experiment or the book that you were claiming to be fact until you do that in both cases it's nothing but man babbling out of his mouth! This goes for religion and it goes for science as well if you claim that science says this or that and produced no evidence of it it's nothing but third-party hearsay the same as you claim for our book. And that is a fact buy the own rule of science

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Many of us do grasp the difference between assertions and facts.

    We also grasp the difference between evidence and proof, and you appear not to do so. We have extensive evidence. Some is written down--I invite you to read your way through the entire stock of any Christian bookstore--and some is transmitted orally, or merely privately observed.

    We do not have proof. The evidence is subjectively selected and interpreted. But there's no proof it's invalid, either.

    As to your distinction between assertions and facts, I agree that it is useful to be clear about the difference between what we believe and what we can prove. But getting sloppy about the word "evidence" doesn't help with that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    You only ask to slam Christianity. That's a fact. For evidence I invite everybody to go over your list of questions and answers.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    You just demonstrated that you don't know the difference. A fact doesn't need to be true to be a fact. A fact is simply an objective statement. A subjective statement is opinion.

  • Otto
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    True Cristians know what the Bible is teaching.

    They know the difference of true and false religions.

    Source(s): Bible
  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Assertion: "we evolved from rocks"

    Fact: "That has never been observed"

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