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Do gun nuts realize that both Reagan and the NRA were against open carry?

'Back in 1967, says Jacob Sullum at Reason, "the NRA supported the Mulford Act, which banned open carrying of loaded firearms in California. The law, a response to the Black Panthers' conspicuous exercise of the right to armed self-defense, also was supported by Gov. Ronald Reagan." As the bill's conservative sponsor, Don Mulford (R), argued in 1989, "openly carrying a gun is an 'act of violence or near violence,'" Sullum noted. "Apparently Reagan and the NRA agreed." The Mulford Act is still on the books in California, America's most populous state.'

10 Answers

  • There is one thing to consider, aside from offending fanatics by labeling them as crazy, fanatic is a more definitive term that more accurately describes their ongoing perpetual behavior. Everyone at any given moment of time, has responded irrationally to a perceived real threat and the petulance to hoard god-playing instruments of death is no different than a momentarily lapse of judgment when someone cuts you off in traffic, perhaps given the mood of the moment, you might try to chase down the offender, but from my own experience, half the time these people are totally clueless that they cut you off and they generally perceive your actions as threatening to them whether you intend to escalate the situation into car vs. vehicle violence is not a given and it may or may not result in the authorities getting involved.

    My point is this, collecting things can become a hobby or an obsession, a momentary threat is one thing, but a perception that everyone and everything is a potential threat to your very life that you must pack heat 24/7 365, that's a scary way of living as it predisposes one to be in a constant "fight or flight" mode where they're potentially pumping adrenalin every waking moment of their daily lives, probably more life-threatening than any actual potential threat that they're packing heat for in the first place.

    Granted, there are a good percentage that like to think that by constantly packing heat, they're keeping liberalism at bay and they're ready should an unofficial order go out that it's now legal to hunt liberals, (a la "the purge") and just people that disagree with any of your views is not sufficient cause to consider anyone a most hated "liberal".

    So, fight or flight and mainlining constant hatred of the "other" is not a healthy lifestyle with or without packing high velocity people killing bang sticks.

  • 3 years ago

    i dnt know

  • Athena
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Do all you gun haters realize it was teh Democrats who let the assault weapon bad expire and DID NOT renew it.

    60:40, not even close.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Reagan can suck a dick, the NRA can suck a dick, open carry can suck a dick, and all the people pushing for more gun control are already sucking a dick.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    And Barry Goldwater was pro-gay rights. Do you realize that the Republican Party was the party of Civil Rights until the 1960’s? Do you realize that racist southern whites were hard line democrats from the dawn of the party until Kennedy? So why should democrats support miniroties and gays when that used to be the republican position? Perhaps viewpoints CHANGE.

    Frankly I think people who compare an amendment right to driving a car (which is a privilege not a right.) are just idiots. I not only support full gun rights, but the second amendment gives me the right to form a militia as well.

    As for the NRA, well they will modify their position slightly to match the climate of the moment but their goal is full gun rights.

  • 3 years ago

    Don't confuse them with facts. Their pea brains will explode if they try to process facts.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    There is about 50 years since Reagan & the NRA had that policy, Society has changes greatly, or haven't you noticed.

  • 3 years ago

    That law and law in general means nothing to a mass shooter and it does nothing to stop him...

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Back in 1967? 2018, dear. Many things have changed. Society has changed, but the Constitution has not.

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