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Native English speakers only, collocation problem: "articles in the column"?

Is there something wrong with the sentence below? If so, revise or rewrite the sentence. Thank you very much.

I love most of the articles in the column of the newspaper. (Supposed the newspaper publishes one article in the column every day.)

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In what column? Newspapers generally print everything in columns- to narrow the line of text. Do you mean a specific person's column? Or the editorial? The grammar isn't wrong, but the meaning isn't clear.

  • 3 years ago

    I love most of the articles in the newspaper's column.

  • Laurie
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Assuming the sentence is included along with additional context, and further assuming the the particular column in question has been previously referenced...

    I would change "the column" to "THAT column" or "THIS column", to show that you are referring to the previously referenced column.

    Furthermore, assuming all the context mentioned above, "of the newspaper" is redundant, so I would omit those words... UNLESS you have previously referred to the specific newspaper in question. If so, then you would write "THAT newspaper" or "THIS newspaper", to show that you are referring to the previously referenced newspaper.

  • 3 years ago

    You need to specify which column. A "column" in a newspaper can refer to the overall format (it is all printed in columns to break up the text and make it more readable) or it can refer to a specific writer's output or a section on a specific topic.

    P.S. - I didn't see any collocations (a collocation is simply two words that are typically used together).

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