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calisurfergirl43 asked in PetsDogs · 3 years ago

I have a 18month old Germain/Coyote mix and he has loose stool?

I feed him IAMS puppy hard and soft is there something else I can feed him to harden the stool? Vet says no worries he will grow out of it after he turns 2+? Should I try boiled chicken and rice? Any other suggestions would be great help? The stool is not diarrhea just loose like a cow paddy.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you recently done a dietary change? Has this always been going on? Besides growing out of it. Did the vetyou hsvr sony mother suggestions such as a dietary change of some type or additive? Also the puppy formulas may be rich on some pups, not hard formed stools are somewhat normal or they can various from semi soft to formed, as long as not diarrhea he is doing okay.

    There are many things you can add to a dogs food that will help firm up the stool, however I’m not going to post simply because if a little good a lot can do more harm than good, rather slightly loose than hard and worrying about an impaction. Some puppies do take a while to mature out and digest and utilize their food to the best, your pup may simply be one of them. While it’s not s medical issue (as long as not screaming diarrhea) it’s just somewhat annoying to have to try and clean it all up.

    Ask the vetif about any over the counter products and you can check on line homeopathic solutions, there are many listed and they do work well, however not any one works on any one dog all the time. As for simply growing out of it, most pups do it’s simply an I convince for you at this time, since your vet (whom you trust) says not to worry then I really wouldn’t.

    My Labrador pup (almost a year old) was diagnosed with immature bowel, he had screaming diarrhea weekly as well as passes noxious gas whenever he gets excited or nervous or stressed. Nothing the vet recommended for additives worked, neither did any home remedy’s... after putting up with this for 9 months and resigned to this dog not working out for the job he was chosen for and going through training we decided to give it one last shot. We switched from a premium puppy food to a lower protein no corn diet and within a week after the changeover no more gas, no more diarrhea do no vomiting. He doesn’t get stressed like he used to... we finally figured out it was tummy pain that was the reason for pacing and circling... was not reading his siginalz correctly. Now he can have trests or snacks as long as no grain or especially no corn in his diets he is thriving and growing.

    You might want to ask your vet about food sensitivities, the food your feeding may have too many ingredients, he may be reacting to one of the grains or the protein base (chicken or lamb or beef -whatever flavor). If you do try and changeover to a different food, remember to change over slowly so not to give him terrible tummy trouble. The proper recipe for changing brands or flavors of food is 1/4 new food added to 3/4 his normal serving pe meal of old food. Do this for 4 days (since he has sensitive tummy it’s better to do the changeover more slowly or you may find his bowels burst all over the kitchen). The next 4 days you mix the food half new food to half old food per serving of what he normally gets. Then the next 4 days he gets 3/4 new food with 1/4 old food. When he’s done with this you can just feed him the new food from here out. After about 2 weeks if there’s going to be a change you should start seeing it. Just keep in mind if you do a food change then you may have success on the first try, or it may take several tries before you come across the best food for him. Chances are like the vet said he will grow out of it as most pups with this type of problem do. The on,y reason I started the switch was my guy had the screaming diarrhea for several days to a week at a time and we had to keep going in since he got dehydrated from it.

    Rules of food for dogs.... there isn’t any one best food on the market for any breed. The most expensive food doesn’t mean it’s the best, neither does the cheapest mean it’s the worst. Don’t keep switching food every 2 weeks to see keep the dog on this same diet at minimum a month after the changeover to see how it’s working... is the dogs coat shiny, bright clear eyes, good appetite, formed stools, lots of energy without being hyper. The exception to the feeding is if the dog gets gassy, has trouble eating the food or simplykeeps refusing the food (more than a meal or two, my vet days a healthy dog will not starve itself however they can and sometimes do pick at their food. If the dog starts vomiting or gets diarrhea from being on the food then it’s not agreeing with him.

    Several of my rescues are still on plain old fashioned purina dog chos, after 11 years and trying to change to a better grade food, they did not do as well, were constantly hungry or their coats were not as good, one started blowing his cost mid summer snd started looking plucky and bald in spots, switched him back to what he was raised on and he thrived, proving the best food out there isn’t always best for the dog.

    Give your vet a call and simply ask how many calories a day your dog needs to stay and maintain his healthy weight, then ask if they recommend any brand of food that may help with the soft stool problem. If they cannot help then research several brands of food, see which you like the best and try a different brand, flavor and protein base. He may be sensitive to one of the ingredients and simply switching may make all the difference in the world. If he’s currently doing a chicken base then you might want to try lamb, beef, venison, buffalo... something different. Just a thought, you could even stay with what you have and read up on solutions to loose stools and feeding and seeehst you come up with. If your pup isn’t having anytotsl diarrhea then you can simply wait it out. As long as he isn’t loosing weight or having any medical issues then why switch, he vet checkled him and thinks he will grow out of the problem just suggesting things you could try if you are overly worried about his current diet, however switch8ng to a new food doesn’t guarantee a cure to the problem it may help but you may end up with the same issue.

    Good luck, don’t get frustrated, you have a long time to figure it out. It’s also not that unusual of a problem since I have had 5 different dogs with food sensitivities or bowel issues. Puppies do take s hole to mature their immune systems as well as their boneless, as I said you don’t have to switch, just something to consider. The easiest by far is to it out, I just posted slants th8ngs you could try.

    Also if you want to be sure you could get a second opinion or seek a nutritionalist and see if they have any thoughts. If you trust your vet then go with his suggestion.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    its the lard. try dry food mixed with can. try beef, chicken, pork, fish if not allergic

  • 3 years ago

    Okay.... and what is your question exactly as you failed to ask one. Placing a question mark after a statement doesn't automatically make it a question.

    Don't trust your, vet? Then get a second opinion from another vet, now that wasn't so hard to figure out was it, maybe it was in your individual case.

  • 3 years ago

    Yes the Vet knows we are feeding IAMS

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  • 3 years ago

    If you don't believe & trust in your Vet, take him in to see another Vet. The loose stool may be completely normal in some dogs & your's may be one of them. If Vet is not concerned, I would not worry about it. It just makes things harder to clean up after him. As long as he doesn't have the squirts, he should be just fine.

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