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Lv 6

How did Noah's Ark flood happen in the middle of an ice age?

Global warming is melting the snow from the North pole to the South Pole and every mountain range in the entire world. Every single day scientists etc are finding microbes, plants, insects, birds, mammals, reptiles etc that were buried in the snow either at the beginning of the ice age millions of years ago or during the ice age when buried in snow avalanches or simply dying in a snow bank..

17 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    The story of Noah's Ark is a myth. It is one of a whole series of similar flood myths from different cultures and civilisations. For example, the Sumarians were telling the same basic story according to a tablet that dates from 1700 BC.

    Christianity, as a young religion, needed to convert people from their traditional beliefs. One way that was done was to include elements from different belief systems. It is why we have Jesus eating bread and drinking wine to symbolise flesh and blood, which if you think about it, seems odd. It is why Easter is set after the Spring equinox based on full moon cycles with which we associate fertility symbols like giant eggs and rabbits.

    Plus, of course, Noah's ark has serious problems. Everyone asks how all the animals fit in the ark with enough food. But if the world flooded with fresh water rain, then why weren't salt water creatures killed ...

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Obviously Noah's Ark didn't happen the way it is depicted. If it rained 40 days and 40 nights, it would produce local flooding and that is all. There is no way a flood could be global. We have evidence of floods from sediments from lakes to shallow marine environments. Even assuming there was a source for a global rain storm for 40 days and 40 nights, if something like that happened, it would be readily seen in the geologic record. Humans began civilization in the middle east about 13 thousand years when they figured out how to cultivate grains and it also happened to be when the world warmed considerably. There may be stories of floods and tsunamis that were later retold and retold until they became Noah's Ark. It is a very old story from a very old book. It is hard to track down the origins thousands of years later.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    For heavens sake try to grow up a little, and stop believing in stupid fairy stories . The so called event known as the tradidional flood was most likely when the Bospherous straits gave way causing the Black Sea to be created.

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    We don't know WHEN "Noah's Ark" flood happened---and I might not have been WOLD wide---Literally-----Some event like the filling of the Black Sea or the Med sea where the human population lived at the time., is most likely. Does not somehow "Invalidate" the Bible, only the most popular of men's interpretations of it.

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  • DrJ
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Obviously, using as our creationist CRR suggests, an article by someone who " serves on the board of the Creation Research Society, USA ", is not going to get you anywhere close to science. I doubt many of us could meet the criteria of who state on their website "about us" : ""Our Mission: To support the effective proclamation of the Gospel by providing credible answers that affirm the reliability of the Bible, in particular its Genesis history." Note "credible answers" not accurate answers or answers based on evidence or factual answers or answers based on peer-reviewed scientific papers, but "credible" answers for Young Earth Creationists. It's pseudoscience and has no credibility.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Noah's Ark is a story found in a work of fiction. It is not true! The most recent glacial period peaked about 21 000 years ago and ended approximately 11 500 years ago. As those who consider the Bible and the story of Noah's Ark as being the literal truth do not consider the Earth is no older than 10 000 the story is set in a time after the last glacial period. They usually claim it was round about 4000 years ago. The flood allegedly happened whilst the ancient Egyptian civilisation was flourishing and was not disturbed by a global flood.

  • CRR
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Noah's flood probably preceded the ice age and was accompanied with a lot of volcanic activity. The conditions after the flood then precipitated an ice age. Read more about it here

  • 3 years ago

    Noah's Ark is a myth. It was passed down the ages verbally since writing was not invented until a few thousand years ago. The ice age ended 13,000 years ago, followed by a mini ice age known as the Younger Dryas which lasted about a thousand years. We do not know if Noah's Ark is based on a real event or not, and there are many theories as to what it was based on.

    One possible scenario is that the end of the ice age resulted in the melting of some ice dams that had kept water from draining from some glacial lakes. When a dam breaks there would be a flash flood of the low lying areas below the lake. The event would have been unexpected and catastrophic. People may blame such floods on supernatural beings just as people often blame supernatural beings for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

  • 3 years ago

    If you believe everything you hear that's your problem. Do your own research. You will many articles that show what's going on is normal cycles and the polar caps are not melting nor the earth warming at an alarming rate. These are articles by reputable scientist. Not government supported sell outs with an agenda looking for money. If you think 250 years of climate data can tell you about a planet 4.8 billion years old then you deserve to be fooled by them. That's like saying spending 2 minutes with some one and thinking you know them intimately.

  • Jim
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    Had to add extra comment here as this is too long a question

    We find whole complete animals that have been extinct since before humans existed, perfectly preserved with hair, flesh and blood still in their veins. Here in Canada we feed this meat to artic sled dogs sometimes. All across Northern Canada, Russia and Alaska we find every day in the melting snow ancient prehistoric animals and vegetation that has never been defrosted for over a million years or more.


    So can anyone tell me, in a logical intelligent way, how 40 days of rain, forty more to evaporate = 3 months approx., and at least two miles high water to cover all the mountain tops didn't melt the snow on earth that contains the perfectly preserved, never been defrosted remains of everything that got buried in the snow at the beginning or during the ice age that we are presently in..

    How did rain fall in Antarctica and the North Pole at the same time and mountains everywhere on earth and not melt any snow. If the snow had melted the animals remains and everything else would have thawed and rotted.

    The methane gas now escaping from the tundra/permafrost would have escaped with the flood waters yet the permafrost is only melting now and the methane gas has been there before humans.

    The unmelted snow is proof there was no flood.

     Can you prove how a world wide flood that lasted 3 months didn't melt any snow on earth, because perfectly preserved prehistoric flora and fauna in the worlds snow proves otherwise.

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