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If the child-we-were asked us today for the best we've learned from living, what would we tell and what would we discover in return?-R. Bach?


Richard Bach... the last question mark *shouldn't* be there!

2 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd say I learned the best from loving well; from listening to spirit content... so my advise would be to listen intently as an enthusiastic child will. Have you ever noticed how the child in us, leans forward with anticipation when s/he is really mindful attention. My advice to the child benefits me too.... I would ask my inner child never to disappear... to stay alive with me, as s/he is truly my best friend! I'd say, be present with me, in all my days so I wouldn't forget the simple pleasures, of those first loves when I discovered a truth with fondness, greeted others without suspicion, listened intently for truth that merged me to some ideal that was healthy and good; to have faith in what works to the benefit of all ( like a song that sticks in our head; causing us to sing with a rhythmic sound that makes us want to get both feet dancin' with the muse!)...

    I'd say we'd thrive by keeping our youthful outlook so we could fly together, into wisdoms' lands... I'd ask my younger self to remind me when I got too serious, not to forget to pack in some delight, and joy... so we'd be able to fly... to keep flying in mind, to take notice of those things, thoughts, patterns, false beliefs, negatives that weigh us down... to always remain open to new heights, new ideals... to cherish in memory those gems we found along the way... to keep focusing on the good! To look for worth and value... so as to embrace with child like spontaneity and love... I'd ask her to remind me to stay in the moment, to go on a caper or two, to live the thrills of excitement too, not to fear, be daring... as well as darling, so we'd stay "well-adjusted in the moments! as life is full of moments... I imagine we'd share those winsome wisdoms; back n forth' reminding ourselves to love ourself; that we are beautified thro' love!

    What would we discover in return.... a better mind, heart and spiritual sense of what is needful, attainable, when we keep a teachable spirit within ourselves... that the youth I was is still here... with me; that this youth carries a light that shines... that in my growing I will cast off those insignificant kinds of things along the way, that hold no value... to look beyond the shallows and to wanna dive deep to explore the oceans' floor... to swim in agreement with some age old currents and tides... not against those truths that are true!!

    Most of all to realize my child, my friend and companion will always be with me to let her bubble up!! Remembering we are one and together still! And in return; to *re>>> *member* ourself, as one! :).

  • 3 years ago

    Words to Live By

    by Linda Lee Gardner-Xxxxxxx

    Richard Bach asks: "If the child we were (Lin) asked us today for the best we've learned from living, what would we tell and what would we discover in return?"

    Find joy in small things and joy will grow.

    Expect little of others and a little less of yourself most of the time.

    Beware of attachments to this life, material as well as emotional.

    Reach beyond your fears to FAITH.

    It is good to be good, even to being a fool.

    The giver is really the receiver when it is unconditional love.

    Unconditional loving is the only way to love and be loved.

    Look with eyes to see others' perspectives; consider those perspectives before making a decision, your decision.

    Try not to get caught in the web of judgment making. You can never know all the variables that were involved.

    Pleasing others most of the time is good, but pleasing yourself some of the time is needed to balance.

    Honesty is still the best policy. Truth will set you free. If you can't be truthful and honest with yourself, it will reflect outward in everything you do.

    Decision making will always be difficult. Look at the choices, weigh all aspects and seek a balance. No extremes.

    If you wrong another, humble yourself, apologize, seek forgiveness, but mostly forgive yourself.

    Learn from others' states of being by intense observation. Become a better person from their example, mistakes and experiences.

    Stay open to learning from anyone or anything, be it child, animal, nature or oneself.

    Flexibility helps life flow a little easier.

    Learn the positive lessons from every "bad" experience, activity or occurrence.

    You have choices, always a choice to go positive or negative, right or wrong (from your perspective).

    Beware the dark side of everyone and everything for it comes in many shades of shadows, many styles of masquerade.

    Don't dwell on the ego for it loves any and all attentions from anyone.

    Remember to Thank the angels for their loving, helping hands through life.

    All mind matrixes are different. What goes in, comes out according to their life experiences from a child on up; the role models, influences and input all contribute to the output.

    Never underestimate the mind power over the body. Positive Love energies pull together for all good.

    Linda's discovery in setting these life guidelines down on paper for Lin is from knowledge acquired over the last fifty years. It is also the much needed reminder to the "now" me that seems to be required. To forget is our enemy. Living these guidelines on a daily basis is the best example we can display to others, and how the quality of life will improve.

    April 1996

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